Astro Selfie
Below is a sample of what I call an Astro Selfie Astrology Personal Profile. What is an astro selfie?
It is a page the I make especially for YOU. You send me your picture, date of birth, time, place of birth, and I give you a page on my
site to store your astro info along with any reports that you have ordered.
Cost? $108 for the first year and $30 per year after that. You also get with it
one free report a year.
Included in The Astro-Selfie are:
- A page on my website that is completely dedicated to YOU.
- Your Picture
- Your Natal Chart Wheel.
- Your Saved Reports.
- Your Name and Numerology Anaysis
- Your Personality Scores
- Your Cosmo Natal Report
- Your Major Life Themes report
- One free report of your Choice
Live by the Sun...Feel by the Moon... Move with the Stars...By the Light of the Libra Moon...
View my astro selfie here


Name: Shamar Moore
Date of Birth: April 20, 1970
Time: 5:32PM
Place: Oakland, CA
Zodiac Sign:
Saved Reports
Your Soul Number is FIVE.
A deep inner restlessness and discontent with the status quo makes you seek out adventure, excitement, and the unconventional. You thrive on new ideas, change, travel, experimenting with new ways of doing things. Predictability and routine make you feel lifeless and unhappy so you must find a lifestyle that is varied enough to be mentally stimulating and challenging. Independent, freedom-loving, and easily bored, you have trouble making commitments and finishing projects. You often "move on" prematurely, whether in a personal relationship or in your work. You need to develop discipline and perseverance when you have an important goal.
You have many talents and need many outlets and avenues for their expression, but try to finish one thing before attempting the next.
You also learn quickly and enjoy "turning on" others to new horizons and discoveries. Getting people out of their mental ruts and sparking their minds may be what you do best.
Your Personality Number is EIGHT.
The personal power, strength, and charisma you radiate gives you the appearance of a leader or executive. Your image and reputation are important to you, and you do all you can to project the image of a winner: successful, prosperous, confident, and capable. You seem cool, impartial, able to take control and manage whatever problem arises. You possess much stamina and endurance and will do whatever it takes to overcome obstacles and challenges. In fact, you like to prove to others what you can do. You want to move in influential circles, and are attracted to the arenas of politics, business, or finance.
You seem naturally suited to be in a position of authority, and you can have a lust for power. You may seem to value outward material advantages more than spiritual or emotional riches. You tend to "dress for success" and insist on high quality fabrics and craftsmanship. You like to be impressive.
Your Destiny Number is FOUR.
You are a pragmatist and interested in concrete results -either producing something of practical use and value, or providing some tangible service. You tend to think in clear, simple, dollars-and-cents terms, disliking waste, sloppiness, and inefficiency. You are also a doer, a solid, dependable, diligent worker with a methodical, systematic, logical approach to problems. You lay a firm foundation with thorough and careful preparation and planning, then follow through with steady, determined effort. You are inflexible once you've made up your mind and set your course. A rock of strength for others to learn on, you take your duties seriously and will stoically shoulder financial or material burdens for your family's sake. You focus on the basics, the bread-and-butter issues, and may ignore other, subtler needs.
You are capable in all of the practical affairs of life, dealing with money and materials, or with tools and machinery.
Your path in life entails establishing order, security, and a stable base for yourself and others.
Your Career Number is FIVE.
You are suited to activities requiring clear thinking, verbal facility, mastery of language, the ability to articulate ideas, curiosity, flexibility, the ability to promote or sell and work with the public, especially the opposite sex. You are most successful in work that is varied, stimulating and exposes you to many different ideas and people.
Careers and Vocations: Writer, translator, editor, journalist, photo-journalist, broadcaster, travel agent, personnel director, teacher, entertainer, investigative reporter, media expert, any work involving television, radio, or cinema, publisher, promoter, salesperson in any field (especially sports goods, cruises and tours, health, advertising, books or magazines, automobiles), aviator, trouble shooter.
Your Missing Number(s) are:
TWO: You are frequently inconsiderate of others and lack the ability to truly cooperate, compromise, and appreciate the other person's point of view. You need to develop a sensitive awareness of others' needs and concerns. You give only what you want to give and relate only on your own terms. Try to be more flexible.
THREE: You often lack a sense of humor and joy in living. You need to allow yourself to play, be spontaneous, and express yourself more freely and creatively. Try to adopt a more generous, cheerful attitude.
You are also uneasy and unsure of yourself in social situations and must learn to overcome your tendency to withhold your thoughts and emotions. Singing would be an excellent way for you to free up your resistance to open communication.
SEVEN: You are disinclined to probe deeply beneath the superficial appearances of things to discover the hidden aspects, the underlying reasons and causes, the deeper meanings. As long as everything seems to be fine on the surface, you look no further. You may distrust introspection and the intuitive, non-rational, or mystical approach to life, and are often out of touch with your own inner feelings and deeper needs. You also may lack a real, personal, sustaining religious or spiritual faith.
Your First Vowel is E.
Your instinctive response to any situation is CURIOSITY. You want to look at it, learn about it, experience it. You ask a lot of questions. You study and educate yourself before plunging in to any situation. You need intellectual freedom and have an eager, enquiring mind. You have keen senses and are clear, perceptive, and interested in the world around you. An avid student or reader, you cannot keep your thoughts, insights, and ideas to yourself. You feel impelled to share them. The facile use of words, whether written or spoken, is something that comes easily to you. You thrive on conversation and a constant flow of interchange with your companions. You are friendly and open to new people and new ideas - but want all the facts before you commit yourself to anything.
Your First Initial is S.
You are emotionally intense, often irrational and passionately driven to achieve your heart's desires. You are not averse to secretive or even devious methods when you cannot get what you want directly. Willful and stubbornly determined, you are able to persist and endure, overcoming obstacles and winning success after many twists and turns on your path.
You go to extremes in matters of the heart or pocketbook, and you can be a fanatic regarding your personal beliefs and philosophy of life. No one tells you what to do!