Aries | Cancer | Libra | Capricorn |
Initiatory | Active | Ambitious | Enthusiastic |
Independant | Hasty | Inconsiderate | Domineering |
Self Motivated | Starters | Confrontational | Productive |
The Ram | The Crab | The Scales | The Goat |
"Gotta Have it Now" |
Taurus | Leo | Scorpio | Aquarius |
Stubborn | Determined | Focused | Strong Willed |
Stable | Dignified | Egotistical | Absorber of Energy |
Methodical | Organized | Purposeful | Enduring |
The Bull | The Lion | The Scorpion | The Water Bearer |
"Steady Wins the Race" |
Gemini | Virgo | Sagittarius | Pisces |
Versitile | Adaptable | Changable | Subtle |
Sympathetic | Intuitive | Easy Going | Resourceful |
Deceptive | Crafty | Inconsistant | Undependable |
The Twins |
The Virgin |
The Archer |
The Fishes |
"Go with the Flow" |