Ruler -
Venus ¦ Constellation -
The Bull ¦ Element -
Earth ¦ Mode -

In Taurus we find one of the most ancient of all signs, with links right back to pre history. Ruled by
Venus, goddess of fertility, Taurus is a sign that represents new life, growth and richness. The symbol for
Venus is the
Bull, which is the ultimate of fertility symbols and in ancient times played a major role in fertility worship. Even the
The Bull's horns represent fertility, growth and regeneration. Taurus personifies the quintessential concept of spring in all its aspects. That is why Taureans make such wonderful gardeners and have such wonderful gardens or if they do not like to get their hands dirty themselves, have a love of flowers, nature or for springtime.
Ruled by the
Bull, people often mistakenly think that Taureans are bull headed or stubborn, when in fact they are not. They certainly know their own mind and as a fixed sign are patient and stand firm, but they do not stand their ground because of bull headedness or stubbornness. Rather they are prepared to stand their ground because of their own high expectations and their awareness of what they want and because they are prepared to stand up for that.
Venus, a planet of exquisite beauty, rules Taurus. Venus rules two signs, Taurus and Libra, but each share a different side of Venus, a planet that represents the pursuit of desire. Here
Venus is a very real, hands on and earthy
Venus brings a sense of beauty and all Taureans have a love of beautiful objects and for the beauty of nature, with a real eye for aesthetics.
As an earth ruled sign, it is not enough for a Taurus to be able to imagine something, as
Venus does in Air ruled Libra, they want to be able to see and touch it, for it has to be real. Beauty in all its aspects is important to Taureans and beauty and pride in their appearance is paramount. Taureans live in a very symmetrical world, where things need to be just right so that they fit into their concept of how they should be and look. Because of this they have developed a sense of patience and a willingness to keep going at something until they get it right. Rushing through something and doing an okay job will not do. It has got to meet their standards, which are high.

As a
Venus ruled sign, Taureans share a lot of the characteristics of Venus, who like us all has both her positive and negative qualities. She is a complex goddess and while she brings the desire for love, pleasure and passion, if she does not get what she wants she could also get very jealous. While Taureans are prone to jealousy, especially if they fear losing something they cherish, their very human nature means that they are usually forgiven.

At the heart of all Taureans is a great sense of self love and love for everything and everyone around them. A happy Taurean is one that is surrounded with a loving home and family, a sensuous love life and whether they are rich or poor, it will be filled with splashes of colour and items of beauty that means something to them.
Taurus Traits Characteristics |
Patient | Stubborn | Rude | Self-indulgent |
Lazy | Consistant | Jealous | Materialistic |
Possessive | Generous | Determined | Self-engrossed |
Inflexible | Dependable | Frugal | Warmhearted |
Placid | Resentful | Persistent | Down to earth |
Reliable | Loyal | Greedy | Goal-oriented |
Foodie | Loving | Sensible | Doesn't Listen |
As a very ancient sign, the past is also very important to a Taurus and there is bound to be a lot of mementoes around from past generations or from their own early life or childhood. For a Taurean roots and memories are very important. Now matter how far they go in life, they will always have their feet on the ground, remembering where they came from.
Taureans come from an astrological time of year where there is abundance. This is an energy that is very fertile, abundant and full of celebration. Because of this, Taureans love to eat well, to entertain and to celebrate. This can lead to excesses and as a sign, are probably more prone to excesses in diet, especially now that we live in a time of plenty. Whether they are affluent or struggling financially, a Taurean will always aim to live to the upper extreme of their abilities. Living frugally is not for your average Taurean.
Taureans are not afraid of hard work. This does not come from a work ethic itself, but because a desire for the good things in life motivates them to do well. They want more, so they work harder to get more. As they acquire more, they will work hard to keep it. This makes Taureans a little possessive from time to time
Taurus is a very sensuous, loving and fertile sign and has a spring fresh quality that others are drawn to. There is something luxurious in their aura and they add a dash of colour to and enrich all our lives.

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