Ruler -
Mercury ¦ Constellation -
The Virgin ¦ Element -
Earth ¦ Mode -

Virgo is one of the most complex and intriguing of the constellations and Virgos are some of the most complex and interesting people. Virgo energy is female energy, whether you are a male or a female and is the only female symbol in the zodiac. Whether human, animal or inanimate, all the other Star Signs are represented by symbols that represent male energy, apart from Virgo, so Virgo stands alone, the only sign that represents female energy and because of that she embodies aspects of all the goddesses.
All ancient cultures have worshiped the constellation of Virgo and the myths behind Virgo, as the sign that rules the harvest, agriculture and nature. Worship to the goddess of the harvest took place every year, at harvest time, when the Sun was moving through the sign of Virgo.

Demeter is the Earth Goddess, or Earth Mother and is the goddess that rules Virgo, so Virgo encompasses the Earth Mother in all of us. Virgos are very in tune with the cycle of nature and growing things and are very focused on the cycle of life. They are very hard working and focused, for not only are they ruled by harvest energy and the concept of working hard and making use of every available minute, this is an Earth sign, so therefore practical.
Virgos are also very smart, have great common sense and they LOVE to talk. This is due to the fact that they are ruled by
Mercury, planet of communication, not in the intellectual way that
Mercury rules Gemini, but in a very practical way that does not waste time or resources.

Virgo is the last of the summer triad of signs and as such, Virgo is a mutable, or changing energy. Virgo energy comes from an astrological time of year when people were very aware that the days were growing shorter and that a lot of work had to be done in a very short space of time. While we are not ruled by the agricultural cycles anymore, Virgos today still have that sense of urgency and an ability to put their own needs aside in order to do what has to be done. Some could say that they do this too much, at the expense of their own needs. To a Virgo, putting something off for another day is too extravagant a concept. If a job needs doing, then it needs doing now.

Because of this Virgos are great organisers and planners. In family life, they will have schedules for everyone in the household and high expectations. It is almost impossible for anyone to come up to the expectations of a Virgo, so It is often easier for them to do it themselves. Virgos are often successful in business, as They are not only willing to put in the long hours, but They are able to schedule and organise their time or business so that It is running like clockwork.
Virgo Traits Characteristics |
Fussy | Cold | Interfering | Judgmental |
Precise | Reliable | Modest | Inflexible |
Attentive | Accurate | Conservative | Meticulous |
Selective | Harsh | Intelligent | Observant |
Perfectionist | Overcritical | Analytical | Helpful |
Reliable | Worker | Fastidious | Meticulous |
Logical | Diligent | Skeptical | Practical |
If you want a job done, give it to a Virgo to do. Virgo energy is organised and likes to stick to plans and have all details covered.
Ruled by Demeter, the Earth Mother, Virgos are always more aware of their health and you will often find Virgos browsing for or buying organic foods or health supplements, preferring natural, earthy alternatives to modern medicine. They may be more preoccupied with the state of their health than their cosmic mates, so tend to take better care of themselves. They are very aware of how fragile the human body is, so go to great lengths to protect it.
Some might say that Virgos are too fussy, but without their organisation and mothering ways, we would all be worse off. They just need to watch that they do not take it to extremes.

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