Ruler -
Mars ¦ Constellation -
The Ram ¦ Element -
Fire ¦ Mode -

One thing you can be sure of, if you are an Aries or you have an Aries in your life, is that life will never be dull.
Aries are ambitious, driven and confident and they will want to rule any roost he or she finds themselves in. Aries are leaders, always on lifes cutting edge. In adult years they are likely to be successful, because they are ambitious and driven and not afraid to take risks. They see life as a contest, a contest they are determined to win.
It is not end results that inspire an Aries, but the pursuit or the quest it itself. An Aries must have action and movement, always mounting a quest, always staging a battle and always having something to look forward to or get excited about.

Whether they win or lose is of little consequence, for it is the thrill of the chase it itself that counts. Ambitious and driven maybe, but not so much for the prize, but for the thrill of battle it itself. In fact, when the chase is over, victory is gained and the spoils of war won, there is often an anti climax, until they find the next quest to get excited about or the next battle to wage, often leaving their earlier spoils to gather dust.
Aries love any and every opportunity life gives them, to wage war. It may be a battle over corporate mergers or whether you have put the top back on the toothpaste, for the what does not matter. It will not matter what they are battling for, they will just love to battle.

This all comes down to their cosmic DNA. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and when the Sun moves into Aries each year, a new astrological year is born. Aries leads us into the new astrological year, at the head of the parade and they ll stay there for the rest of their lives. They are leaders, not followers and like to be the ones making the rules and setting the pace.
Astrology has many roots and in Aries we find the
Ram, able to butt their way into situations so they can be No. 1.
Rams are the Alpha Males of the sheep world, kings of their domain and very territorial. Behind the
Ram we find Aries ruling planet,
Mars is ruled by Ares, God of War, which is where an Aries need for battle comes from. They are fiery like the planet
Mars. They are passionate, warlike and like Ares, they are instigators, inventors, planners and forward thinkers, just like the energy of the time of their birth. As a Fire sign, they are fiery and passionate.
Aries Traits Characteristics |
Impatient | Confident | Dynamic | Foolhardy |
Versatile | Daredevil | Bossy | Temperamental |
Pioneering | Adventurous | Arrogant | Forthright |
Passionate | Couragous | Impulsive | Forgiving |
Pied Piper | Stubborn | Leader | High Energy |
Selfish | Spontaneous | Tempered | Self-engrossed |
Assertive | Inflexible | Egotistical | Confrontational |
One of the myths behind Aries is Jason and the Argonauts. Aries love adventure and if they are not taking part in one themselves, they will love to read about them, watch them on DVD or play computer games, the more exciting and action filled the better.
As a cardinal sign they are the ones who come up with the ideas that inspire and motivate the rest of us. Aries often do not finish what they start, but that is for other signs to do. As they get older they learn how to stick to task, but it is not in their nature to do it automatically. Aries energy relies on having a good team around them that can follow through on the practical details, while they are free to develop even better ideas. Or it could be that they get good at attracting people into their life, that are good at reminding them to stay focused. Aries are inspirational leaders, inventors and inspire passion and a fighting spirit in all of us.
Aries are Cosmic Crusaders born into a world they will try and conquer, right from the word go. Aries are born ready.

Each particular zodiac sign has it's own characteristics. If you click on the sign you can read about some of the traits
of that sign. Or order one of our
reports and use the power of the planets to your advantage and tap into what should come naturally to you.