Dynamic Transits Astrology Report

The Dynamic Transits Astrology Report gives us some insight into future events.
As we all know the wisdom of hindsight is a great thing but can we choose how we respond to the events in our lives with the wisdom of foresight?
Anyone who has visited an astrologer or printed an astrology report is probably attempting to do just this gain the wisdom of foresight when making decisions that affect our lives.
Price - $20 Availaibility = 24 hours through email or add to your
Astro Selfie.
Included in The Dynamic Transits report are:
- A simple layout of individual transits.
- outer planetary transits and major aspects.
- Interpretations are included for transiting Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Chiron to the Ascendant, Midheaven, Moon, Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Chiron and Nodes.
These include conjunctions, oppositions, squares and trines.
This report outlines the major transits occurring in a person's life.. This is a not a daily predictive report, but rather a monthly or yearly planner=
Mark Robert Michael Wahlberg
(born June 5, 1971)
American musician and actor, the younger brother of Donnie Wahlberg of New Kids on the Block fame. As a teen, he followed his brother's lead and formed a rap group called Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch.
In late 1991 he released his first album, Music for the People, gritty songs of urban street life.
Donnie, 22, funded the album which he co-wrote and produced, even singing some of the backup vocals. For live gigs and the video, they had five dancers and a deejay known as Funky Bunch.
He and Donnie were the youngest of the familys nine kids; the folks divorced in the early '80s. The kids stayed with their mom in Dorchester, Massachusetts,
where they roamed the streets getting into fights and pulling off petty crimes. Mark had an arrest record of five or six busts,
including a 45-day prison term for assaulting a Vietnamese man in 1988 and a brawl in 1993 after calling one of Madonnas friends a homo.
He was staying out all night by the time he was 12 and heavily into cocaine by 14. He stole cars, sold pot and got high on angel dust during his bad-boy days.
Tired of not being taken seriously in the music industry, as well as the hype and grind associated with it, Wahlberg began making films.
His film debut came in the Penny Marshall comedy Renaissance Man, which was followed by The Basketball Diaries, April, 1995.
His image became familiar everywhere for dropping his pants, showing off shorts that he was advertising and a nice young-man-chest.
A few years later he was still dropping his pants in a film about the porno industry, Boogie Nights. Boogie Nights, however, was a departure for Wahlberg to more serious cinema and a more serious career.
The film was nearly epic, covering seven years of the rise and fall of a porn star in two hours; Wahlberg gave the most substantial performance of his career.
Since then he has hooked up with George Clooney in Three Kings, a second movie, Perfect Storm, and a projected third movie, Metal God.
For recreation, he bar-hops with his pal Leo DiCaprio and dates a different girl every night.
September 2, 2003 was a day of emotional extremes for the actor. At about 4 AM at Cedars-Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles, his girlfriend Rhea Durham gave birth to their first child, daughter Ella Rae. Hours later, Wahlberg received a call informing him that his older sister Debbie, who had been admitted to a Boston, MA hospital for what seemed to be a kidney stone, had died, apparently of a heart attack.
He and Durham welcomed a son on March 22, 2006 in Los Angeles, CA. The child is the couples second. Durham and Wahlberg married on August 1, 2009 in Hollywood, CA.
The subject of Fate or Destiny has triggered many a philosophical argument. What is destiny? Are the
details of our lives pre-destined? How much free will do we really have? These are imponderable
questions. This report does not offer the answers. Rather it gives us some signposts to help us on our life
Each entry in this report relates to an astrological event that affects the natal chart for this individual. The
entries are sorted by the exact date on which each event occurs, and the period of time around this date
during which the events are considered to be in effect is shown in parentheses on the same line. Note
that due to occasional retrograde motion of some planets, some events may be exact on two or more
dates, and in this case all such dates are listed on the same line. Also, any events which are not exact
within the report period, but whose period of effectiveness overlaps with the report period are included.
From Jun 1 2014 until Jun 1 2015
Mar 3 2014 and May 29 2014 (Jan 25 2014 to Jul 11 2014)
TRANSITING PLUTO SQUARE RADIX CHIRON - Deep healing and deep pain are both possible during
this transit. Something or someone will challenge you in ways that you had not thought possible. Perhaps
a painful memory will be forced to the surface by current events, or perhaps something happens to trigger
emotional pain. Either way you are required to delve within for answers and to try new methods of
handling your problems. By the end of this period you will have gained insights which will help you in the
rest of your life.
Jun 28 2014 (May 8 2014 to Aug 9 2014)
TRANSITING PLUTO OPPOSITION RADIX ASCENDANT - This is a once in a lifetime event, which
demands modifications to your personal and business relationships. If you are single then you could meet
someone who dramatically changes the course of your life. It is important that you choose wisely. If you
are married then it is time to reinvent your marriage. You, or your spouse, are likely to challenge the
status quo. Imagine that one scenario could be that you or your spouse is retiring from work thus
changing the nature of your marriage. Whatever the scenario major adjustments are needed in your
personal relationship. If your marriage is a sound one then you have no need to fear. However, if you
know deep within that your marriage has been faltering for years then now is the time to face the reality.
You need to go with the flow rather than fight against changes. Perhaps your partner is feeling the same
way. For this reason counseling may be beneficial. It is important that the underlying reasons for any
marital restlessness are explored and that the truth is revealed. This could be hurtful in the short-term, but
is ultimately liberating. You are being forced to face your relationship with complete honesty. This can be
a painful time when you feel that events are out of your control. They probably are. You may feel angry that
you have been forced into a corner by your loved one. Although this is understandable, it is better to
approach the situation one day at a time with all your integrity. The result will be a more honest
relationship, both with yourself and your partner, and a sense of achievement that comes with
surmounting any crisis. On the other hand you may enjoy the process of changing the course of your
marriage. Both you and your partner may experience a renewed sense of joy and togetherness. A
second honeymoon may result. It also possible that both you and your partner are eager to take on a new
challenge together. Perhaps you both have been itching to make changes but have been held back by
life's demands and responsibilities. Now is the time to let go and explore new experiences. Of course,
you need to make sure that you are not squandering your life's savings or taking unnecessary risks.
However, you can both benefit from a change of lifestyle. Imagine that you take a trip around the world.
You both enjoy the trip and come back refreshed and changed by the experience. Business partnerships
and contracts are also highlighted now. It is possible that you are about to sign a business deal for the
first time. If so, you need to fully investigate your new partners' background and ensure that contracts are
fair and reasonable. The opportunity exists for a life-changing business enterprise, but only if everything
is above board and thoroughly checked. Existing business partnerships may reveal a few surprises
during this period.
May 30 2014 (May 25 2014 to Jun 4 2014)
TRANSITING JUPITER TRINE RADIX MIDHEAVEN - Doors are opening in your professional and social
circles. It is a good time for expanding your professional goals and making the most of any opportunities
in this area. These could include offers of career promotion, study, and travel. Success is within your
grasp if you seize the moment.
Jun 13 2014 (May 28 2014 to Jul 10 2014)
TRANSITING SATURN SQUARE RADIX SOUTH NODE - The people who enter your life now are likely
to play a significant role in shaping your destiny. For instance perhaps you are a youngster and a sibling
is born during this period. This sibling is likely to make an important contribution. Alternatively perhaps
you meet someone special during this phase. You may marry this person. Decisions that you make
during this time are also likely to significantly affect the next phase of your life. You may decide to move
neighbourhoods or build a new home in your own neighbourhood. Whoever you meet and whatever you
decide is likely to affect you for at least fourteen years. You may also feel compelled to say "goodbye" to
friends or leave employment. In other words you are faced with choices about eliminating obstacles on
your life's path in order that you may better fulfil your purpose in the future. You may find this frightening,
but situations arise now that force you to face your fears. This transit is part of the assimilation and
elimination process required to help us further our purpose in this world. You may also be excited by this
process. It is similar to the process that migrants experience when they leave one country. There is the
sadness of leaving all that is familiar - loved ones, home, security etc. However, there is also the
excitement about a future that could hold rich rewards and exciting new experiences. If you believe in the
process of reincarnation and karma, then you will know that this is a very karmic period. It offers you the
chance to put to right past wrongs and to move forward with your life purpose.
Jun 13 2014 (May 28 2014 to Jul 10 2014)
TRANSITING SATURN SQUARE RADIX NORTH NODE - The people who enter your life now are likely
to play a significant role in shaping your destiny. For instance perhaps you are a youngster and a sibling
is born during this period. This sibling is likely to make an important contribution. Alternatively perhaps
you meet someone special during this phase. You may marry this person. Decisions that you make
during this time are also likely to significantly affect the next phase of your life. You may decide to move
neighbourhoods or build a new home in your own neighbourhood. Whoever you meet and whatever you
decide is likely to affect you for at least fourteen years. You may also feel compelled to say "goodbye" to
friends or leave employment. In other words you are faced with choices about eliminating obstacles on
your life's path in order that you may better fulfil your purpose in the future. You may find this frightening,
but situations arise now that force you to face your fears. This transit is part of the assimilation and
elimination process required to help us further our purpose in this world. You may also be excited by this
process. It is similar to the process that migrants experience when they leave one country. There is the
sadness of leaving all that is familiar - loved ones, home, security etc. However, there is also the
excitement about a future that could hold rich rewards and exciting new experiences. If you believe in the
process of reincarnation and karma, then you will know that this is a very karmic period. It offers you the
chance to put to right past wrongs and to move forward with your life purpose.
Jul 16 2014 (Jul 11 2014 to Jul 20 2014)
TRANSITING JUPITER TRINE RADIX JUPITER - Lucky in love and life can be the catchphrase for this
transit. Although it is not as powerful as some other Jupiter transits, it is a time of optimism and good
fortune. Do not pass up opportunities, but use your discrimination regarding the opportunities that come
your way. You may find that the opportunities that arise are connected with travel, study, and anything that
expands your horizons.
Jul 22 2014 (Jul 18 2014 to Jul 27 2014)
TRANSITING JUPITER TRINE RADIX NEPTUNE - You feel at one with the world during this transit.
Meditation, music, art, dance, photography, spiritual groups, travel and communing with nature offer
moments of peace and tranquility. You feel creative and intuitive. Therefore it is a good time to explore
and express the more artistic and spiritual side of your nature.
Jul 29 2014 (Jul 24 2014 to Aug 2 2014)
TRANSITING JUPITER SQUARE RADIX MOON - Watch out for indulgence during this transit. You are
likely to go all-out in an effort to achieve comfort and pleasure. The trouble is that you lack the ability to
balance your need for emotional security with your enthusiasm for the pleasures of life. The result can be
a lackadaisical approach to life which irritates others and gets you nowhere fast. Tensions may surface
on the domestic scene.
Aug 26 2014 (Jul 30 2014 to Sep 10 2014)
TRANSITING SATURN SQUARE RADIX NORTH NODE - The people who enter your life now are likely
to play a significant role in shaping your destiny. For instance perhaps you are a youngster and a sibling
is born during this period. This sibling is likely to make an important contribution. Alternatively perhaps
you meet someone special during this phase. You may marry this person. Decisions that you make
during this time are also likely to significantly affect the next phase of your life. You may decide to move
neighbourhoods or build a new home in your own neighbourhood. Whoever you meet and whatever you
decide is likely to affect you for at least fourteen years. You may also feel compelled to say "goodbye" to
friends or leave employment. In other words you are faced with choices about eliminating obstacles on
your life's path in order that you may better fulfil your purpose in the future. You may find this frightening,
but situations arise now that force you to face your fears. This transit is part of the assimilation and
elimination process required to help us further our purpose in this world. You may also be excited by this
process. It is similar to the process that migrants experience when they leave one country. There is the
sadness of leaving all that is familiar - loved ones, home, security etc. However, there is also the
excitement about a future that could hold rich rewards and exciting new experiences. If you believe in the
process of reincarnation and karma, then you will know that this is a very karmic period. It offers you the
chance to put to right past wrongs and to move forward with your life purpose.
Aug 26 2014 (Jul 30 2014 to Sep 10 2014)
TRANSITING SATURN SQUARE RADIX SOUTH NODE - The people who enter your life now are likely
to play a significant role in shaping your destiny. For instance perhaps you are a youngster and a sibling
is born during this period. This sibling is likely to make an important contribution. Alternatively perhaps
you meet someone special during this phase. You may marry this person. Decisions that you make
during this time are also likely to significantly affect the next phase of your life. You may decide to move
neighbourhoods or build a new home in your own neighbourhood. Whoever you meet and whatever you
decide is likely to affect you for at least fourteen years. You may also feel compelled to say "goodbye" to
friends or leave employment. In other words you are faced with choices about eliminating obstacles on
your life's path in order that you may better fulfil your purpose in the future. You may find this frightening,
but situations arise now that force you to face your fears. This transit is part of the assimilation and
elimination process required to help us further our purpose in this world. You may also be excited by this
process. It is similar to the process that migrants experience when they leave one country. There is the
sadness of leaving all that is familiar - loved ones, home, security etc. However, there is also the
excitement about a future that could hold rich rewards and exciting new experiences. If you believe in the
process of reincarnation and karma, then you will know that this is a very karmic period. It offers you the
chance to put to right past wrongs and to move forward with your life purpose.
Sep 15 2014 (Sep 10 2014 to Sep 20 2014)
TRANSITING JUPITER TRINE RADIX CHIRON - Now is the time to make the most of any opportunities
to lay to rest painful memories, which have haunted you in times gone by, and move into areas that are
linked straight to your heart. Opportunities for learning present themselves and you may discover talents
that you never knew existed. One person, an important teacher or healer may enter your life, or you could
take a study course or travel. Alternatively if this transit happens later in your life, you also may have the
chance to express your own teaching and healing talents, finding an appropriate avenue of expression for
wisdom gained from past experience.
Oct 6 2014 (Sep 13 2014 to Nov 13 2014)
TRANSITING CHIRON SQUARE RADIX SUN - It is time to change the way you see and express yourself
and allow your true light to shine. As a result you may discover hidden skills you never knew you
possessed, sparking a whole new field of learning ultimately providing a great source of healing. You
have the chance to heal wounds, physical and/or emotional, and realign your identity with your true
purpose. In some cases it is possible that you suffer an illness which forces you to consider your lifestyle
and make appropriate changes. If you are able to face this challenge and make the necessary changes,
then you can approach life with renewed vigour and a new sense of purpose.
Sep 26 2014 (Sep 15 2014 to Oct 7 2014)
TRANSITING SATURN TRINE RADIX MIDHEAVEN - Currently you have a chance to advance your life
goals and achieve success in your public life. You may receive recognition for your contribution within
your chosen profession through a promotion or an award. Alternatively you may simply have the
opportunity to advance your career goals through a new project or a change of job focus. Important
people may contribute to your success. Your status may change. For instance you may become a parent,
or you may successfully launch your child into the world as a young adult. Whatever your choice of
lifestyle, you currently have the ability to work steadily and successfully towards establishing your
profession or making the necessary adjustments to keep your ambitions on track.
Sep 24 2014 (Sep 19 2014 to Sep 30 2014)
TRANSITING JUPITER OPPOSITION RADIX MARS - You have plenty of drive and energy right now. This
can be directed in to personal or work projects or perhaps a sport. You are keen to take the initiative and
move ahead with your plans. Perhaps you have been planning to travel abroad or to study martial arts?
On the other hand you may have been waiting for the go ahead on a special project or for a promotion at
work. Now you receive the good news and are able to step into action. You are clear that you are heading
in the right direction and feel confident of success. And it's true. You do have the drive and good fortune
to achieve success during this stage. This is an excellent time to spend plenty of time and energy on your
favourite project, with an assurance of reaping what you have sown. You may also enjoy channelling
some of your energy into your favourite sporting activities. However, during this phase you are in danger
of going over the top in your efforts to achieve your personal goals. You may jeopardise your success
through impatience with yourself and others, thus alienating those who are in a position to support your
goals. Perhaps you are having difficulty seeing things in perspective and fail to listen to those closest to
you when they say that you are being a little rash and stubborn. You feel that you have put so much time
and energy into certain areas of your life, and now others are threatening your success with their
unnecessary pessimism. This may or may not be true. It is possible that others are threatened by your
success; but it also may be that you need to slow down a little and exercise some restraint. The lesson is
all things in moderation. You can achieve success during this stage, as long as you maintain your
diplomatic skills.
Oct 12 2014 (Oct 3 2014 to Oct 21 2014)
TRANSITING SATURN OPPOSITION RADIX VENUS - Marriage and business partnerships are under
the spotlight at the moment. If you are married your spouse is likely to be pushing your ability to support
and understand them to the limit. Perhaps your spouse is going through troubled times and is leaning on
you or maybe your loved one is emotionally withdrawn, lost in a world of his or her own. Whatever, the
scenario, the romance is illusive right now. You need to assess the overall viability of your marriage. If you
surmise that the bond is a strong one, then it will endure, even if it does test your patience. On the other
hand your marriage could be running smoothly, but you are experiencing problems in the commercial or
business world. Perhaps your finances are strained either through a hefty investment calculated to pay
long-term dividends, or a shortfall. Any business partnerships could be tested. Once again you need to
assess the long-term viability of such partnerships. Any severance could be costly financially, and may
involve legal matters. If you are single then you may meet a potential marriage partner. However, there
are likely to be delays in forming a serious bond. You need to take things slowly to ensure that this person
is the right one for you. For instance does this person simply need a little extra emotional support right
now or is he or she unable to stand on his or her own? The good news is that you are gaining greater
understanding regarding the major relationships in your life. You are learning how to set limits and to
respect other people. This testing time is going to pave the way for a stronger marriage bond, more
viable business dealings and improved finances. With forbearance and careful planning you can help
others steer a steady course. This in turn has great benefits for you in the long run. The relationships that
endure through this phase are substantial. These important associates grow to respect your ability to
stand firm, to offer support and to commit. In turn you reap the benefits of their increased respect, trust
and in the case of marital unions, love.
Oct 11 2014 (Oct 5 2014 to Oct 18 2014)
individuals or groups, can be stressful during this transit. It is time to reassess your connections with
individuals and groups with a view to moving on with your life's purpose. Any individual or group standing
in your path is liable to be set to one side, as you seek new experiences. Of course it is not easy to let go
of links from the past, particularly if one feels frightened of new experiences without the safety of past
alliances. If you can focus on the future rather than the past, you will discover that as one door shuts
another opens.
Oct 11 2014 (Oct 5 2014 to Oct 18 2014)
TRANSITING JUPITER OPPOSITION RADIX NORTH NODE - Relations with other people, either
individuals or groups, can be stressful during this transit. It is time to reassess your connections with
individuals and groups with a view to moving on with your life's purpose. Any individual or group standing
in your path is liable to be pushed out of the way, as you seek new experiences. Of course it is not easy
to let go of links from the past, particularly if one feels frightened of new experiences without the safety of
past alliances. If you can focus on the future rather than the past, you will discover that as one door shuts
another opens. These connections are more likely to be your social or group associations rather than
intimate ones. It could mean reassessing your life goals.
Nov 15 2014 and Jan 26 2015 (Oct 17 2014 to Feb 21 2015)
TRANSITING URANUS CONJUNCTION RADIX CHIRON - Sensitivity is a key element during this time
as all of your senses are heightened. This can be exciting as you feel charged with an electric lifeforce
ready to explore new territories sure in the knowledge that you have many gifts to share with the world.
You feel alive and sensitive to both your own and other people's needs.
However, this can also be a painful time, particularly if you have a lot of fear which causes you to hesitate
and remain stuck in old patterns. If this is the case then you would do well to use this time to explore past
experiences which have sparked fear and distrust. Once these are healed you will see life in a new light
and will be ready to express your full potential in the world.
Nov 23 2014 (Oct 27 2014 to Dec 21 2014)
TRANSITING CHIRON TRINE RADIX ASCENDANT - This is a time of rejuvenation and regeneration,
when you have the opportunity to release troubling aspects of your life and walk a new path. This could
literally mean healing a physical wound or, more metaphorically, mending broken bridges. You now have
the chance to forgive and forget, and to focus on your own talents and gifts. Your dreams may play an
important role in helping you understanding the changes that are taking place right now. You may also
benefit from talking to a sympathetic and understanding friend. Your own listening skills are improving
and friends enjoy confiding in you right now. They appreciate the wisdom that you are gaining through
your life experiences and self-understanding. You may take up a teaching or counselling role during this
phase, however; you are more likely to use this time to gain greater understanding of human nature and
your own talents.
Nov 14 2014 and Jan 1 2015 (Nov 3 2014 to Jan 12 2015)
TRANSITING JUPITER SQUARE RADIX VENUS - Although this can be a positive time for socialising
with loved ones, there is also an element of tension. This could be because you are expecting too much
from your nearest and dearest, or it could be that they are asking too much from you. You find it difficult to
please yourself and other people. There has to be a balance between the adventures of life and the
routine daily demands. Right now one of you is seeking only the adventure and this is causing tension. It
is often hurtful when one person in a close relationship upsets the balance, so it is understandable if you
are feeling rejected by your loved one. The best approach may be to give the other person a little bit of
time to settle down. They may need a little bit of freedom before returning to a more balanced approach
to the relationship. On the other hand it could be that the other person's insensitivity to your relationship is
the straw that breaks the camel's back, as far as you are concerned. If you are the one who is acting in a
rash manner then you would be wise to listen to other's concerns and show a little restraint. In astrology
Jupiter is considered to be a positive influence. Therefore it is more likely that things will settle down with
positive results from this topsy-turvy time.
Dec 10 2014 (Nov 4 2014 to Jan 9 2015)
TRANSITING PLUTO OPPOSITION RADIX ASCENDANT - This is a once in a lifetime event, which
demands modifications to your personal and business relationships. If you are single then you could meet
someone who dramatically changes the course of your life. It is important that you choose wisely. If you
are married then it is time to reinvent your marriage. You, or your spouse, are likely to challenge the
status quo. Imagine that one scenario could be that you or your spouse is retiring from work thus
changing the nature of your marriage. Whatever the scenario major adjustments are needed in your
personal relationship. If your marriage is a sound one then you have no need to fear. However, if you
know deep within that your marriage has been faltering for years then now is the time to face the reality.
You need to go with the flow rather than fight against changes. Perhaps your partner is feeling the same
way. For this reason counseling may be beneficial. It is important that the underlying reasons for any
marital restlessness are explored and that the truth is revealed. This could be hurtful in the short-term, but
is ultimately liberating. You are being forced to face your relationship with complete honesty. This can be
a painful time when you feel that events are out of your control. They probably are. You may feel angry that
you have been forced into a corner by your loved one. Although this is understandable, it is better to
approach the situation one day at a time with all your integrity. The result will be a more honest
relationship, both with yourself and your partner, and a sense of achievement that comes with
surmounting any crisis. On the other hand you may enjoy the process of changing the course of your
marriage. Both you and your partner may experience a renewed sense of joy and togetherness. A
second honeymoon may result. It also possible that both you and your partner are eager to take on a new
challenge together. Perhaps you both have been itching to make changes but have been held back by
life's demands and responsibilities. Now is the time to let go and explore new experiences. Of course,
you need to make sure that you are not squandering your life's savings or taking unnecessary risks.
However, you can both benefit from a change of lifestyle. Imagine that you take a trip around the world.
You both enjoy the trip and come back refreshed and changed by the experience. Business partnerships
and contracts are also highlighted now. It is possible that you are about to sign a business deal for the
first time. If so, you need to fully investigate your new partners' background and ensure that contracts are
fair and reasonable. The opportunity exists for a life-changing business enterprise, but only if everything
is above board and thoroughly checked. Existing business partnerships may reveal a few surprises
during this period.
Dec 21 2014 (Nov 4 2014 to Feb 5 2015)
TRANSITING URANUS SQUARE RADIX ASCENDANT - Relationships close to your heart can undergo
sudden and dramatic changes during this transit as either you or your loved one feels the need to break
out of old habits and patterns in the relationship. You may not have been aware that the relationship had
settled into a routine that was a little stale. It could be that a third party enters the scenario surprising both
of you. Whatever the circumstances, the challenge is to ride the disruptions, pull yourself out of the rut and
put the sparkle back into your relationship.
Nov 24 2014 (Nov 16 2014 to Dec 3 2014)
TRANSITING SATURN OPPOSITION RADIX MERCURY - This is a tense period during which you
seriously question your life decisions, reassess your goals and attempt to make changes in your
personal habits. On the positive side you are gradually gaining insight on past events. Your experience in
certain areas of your life has taught you some valuable life lessons. As you face the past you are ready to
tackle the challenges of implementing your knowledge and skills in a manner that truly reflects your own
values, experience and goals. In other words you have gained some wisdom and are ready, willing and
able to both implement this in your own life and share this with other people. The problem is that others
may not be ready to listen to you. Perhaps they have grown accustomed to viewing you in a certain light
or perhaps they just refuse to change. Either way close personal and professional associates are likely to
be uncomfortable with the changes that you are trying to make. Communications are fraught with
difficulties and achieving your goals is hard work during this period. This is particularly true of committed
relationships, business contracts, communication networks and financial exchanges. You also start to
realize that you are currently living with the consequences of decisions made in the past, and need all the
patience that you can muster to make the necessary changes. You may feel tense, as if everything is hard
work. It is not an easy time to finalise any plans with long-term consequences, however; you can work
slowly and steadily towards your goals. By the end of this transit you should have a clearer idea of your
true options, knowing what can be compromised and what cannot. Sound business and personal
relationships will be sustained, but those that no longer serve you are likely to be discarded as you seek
to be truer to your own sense of purpose.
Dec 30 2014 (Nov 30 2014 to Jan 28 2015)
TRANSITING PLUTO SQUARE RADIX CHIRON - Deep healing and deep pain are both possible during
this transit. Something or someone will challenge you in ways that you had not thought possible. Perhaps
a painful memory will be forced to the surface by current events, or perhaps something happens to trigger
emotional pain. Either way you are required to delve within for answers and to try new methods of
handling your problems. By the end of this period you will have gained insights which will help you in the
rest of your life.
Dec 9 2014 (Nov 30 2014 to Dec 17 2014)
TRANSITING SATURN OPPOSITION RADIX SATURN - This is a time of reckoning. Slowly, but surely,
the structure of your life changes. This is one of those times when you are forced to live with the
consequences of past decisions. In particular you may like to reflect on events in your life about 15 years
ago. The seeds sown during the past now come to fruition. This can be a positive time when you reap the
rewards of your previous commitments. Alternatively it can be a difficult time if you have invested in
unfruitful people or projects. Either way it is time to tackle situations with patience and integrity. If you are
reaping rewards, there are extra responsibilities. If you are experiencing difficulties from past actions,
you have to work hard to put things to right. Either way you need to rise to the challenge and face the truth.
Otherwise you are likely to find this period more difficult than it needs to be. Slowly you realize that you
need to shoulder your own responsibilities, however; you may also notice that other people or events
seem to be holding you back from achieving your own purpose. Even though you may sometimes feel
that others are blocking your path you need to tackle personal and business relationships with integrity. It
is time to let go of past grievances and work towards a more positive association. The more that you can
face and let go of the past, the more you will pave the way for a more stable future. A sense of humour,
although difficult to find right now, can go a long way to alleviating the heavy nature of this time.
Jan 10 2015 (Dec 4 2014 to Jan 31 2015)
TRANSITING CHIRON SQUARE RADIX SUN - It is time to change the way you see and express yourself
and allow your true light to shine. As a result you may discover hidden skills you never knew you
possessed, sparking a whole new field of learning ultimately providing a great source of healing. You
have the chance to heal wounds, physical and/or emotional, and realign your identity with your true
purpose. In some cases it is possible that you suffer an illness which forces you to consider your lifestyle
and make appropriate changes. If you are able to face this challenge and make the necessary changes,
then you can approach life with renewed vigour and a new sense of purpose.
Dec 23 2014 (Dec 14 2014 to Jan 1 2015)
TRANSITING SATURN CONJUNCTION RADIX JUPITER - This transit is all about making your dreams
reality. You are being forced, whether you like it not, to reassess your goals in life. This can be a
painstaking process. Any goals which have been impractical and far-fetched will need to be revised in a
more practical light. Your usual resources may not be readily available, forcing you to delve deeper for
ways to get things done. By the end of the transit you may feel a renewed sense of commitment to your
This can be a time when you discover your spiritual purpose. But bware because this transit can really
dampen your spirits. Your usual buoyancy and optimism are overshadowed by an awareness of life's
hardships. Whereas once you could see light at the end of the tunnel, now you see only the obstacles
along the way. Doors that once seemed to swing open, now ominously stay shut. It may be that an
authority figure or an external event is literally limiting your options, or simply that you are going through
self-imposed hardship. Either way you would do best to recognise that this is a passing phase, and
circumstances will change and life will not always be seen through such a pessimistic lens. On a more
positive note this can also be a time of wise decisions and increased commitment. If you have been
careless in the past, this can be a time when you slow down and take on a more sober approach to life
with long-term benefits.
Jan 5 2015 (Dec 27 2014 to Jan 16 2015)
TRANSITING SATURN CONJUNCTION RADIX NEPTUNE - During this time you are cut off from other
people. Negatively this can be because you are feeling lonely and failing to reach out to others, or
positively because you are using the time for some serious contemplation. Beware of your own gloom at
this time. You may feel that many areas of your life have failed leaving you with an overwhelming sense of
hopelessness. There is a reason for these negative thoughts and feelings. This transit is demanding that
you see your life in a different light, a more spiritual rather than physical light. At first this can be
depressing as you realise the hopelessness of pursuing purely personal ambitions which have no greater
purpose. However, by the end of the transit you will have incorporated a larger and more selfless view
and may have a clearer vision for the future. Contemplation and meditation can prove very useful during
this time.
Feb 6 2015 (Jan 29 2015 to Feb 13 2015)
individuals or groups, can be stressful during this transit. It is time to reassess your connections with
individuals and groups with a view to moving on with your life's purpose. Any individual or group standing
in your path is liable to be set to one side, as you seek new experiences. Of course it is not easy to let go
of links from the past, particularly if one feels frightened of new experiences without the safety of past
alliances. If you can focus on the future rather than the past, you will discover that as one door shuts
another opens.
Feb 6 2015 (Jan 29 2015 to Feb 13 2015)
TRANSITING JUPITER OPPOSITION RADIX NORTH NODE - Relations with other people, either
individuals or groups, can be stressful during this transit. It is time to reassess your connections with
individuals and groups with a view to moving on with your life's purpose. Any individual or group standing
in your path is liable to be pushed out of the way, as you seek new experiences. Of course it is not easy
to let go of links from the past, particularly if one feels frightened of new experiences without the safety of
past alliances. If you can focus on the future rather than the past, you will discover that as one door shuts
another opens. These connections are more likely to be your social or group associations rather than
intimate ones. It could mean reassessing your life goals.
Mar 1 2015 (Feb 21 2015 to Mar 12 2015)
TRANSITING JUPITER OPPOSITION RADIX MARS - You have plenty of drive and energy right now. This
can be directed in to personal or work projects or perhaps a sport. You are keen to take the initiative and
move ahead with your plans. Perhaps you have been planning to travel abroad or to study martial arts?
On the other hand you may have been waiting for the go ahead on a special project or for a promotion at
work. Now you receive the good news and are able to step into action. You are clear that you are heading
in the right direction and feel confident of success. And it's true. You do have the drive and good fortune
to achieve success during this stage. This is an excellent time to spend plenty of time and energy on your
favourite project, with an assurance of reaping what you have sown. You may also enjoy channelling
some of your energy into your favourite sporting activities. However, during this phase you are in danger
of going over the top in your efforts to achieve your personal goals. You may jeopardise your success
through impatience with yourself and others, thus alienating those who are in a position to support your
goals. Perhaps you are having difficulty seeing things in perspective and fail to listen to those closest to
you when they say that you are being a little rash and stubborn. You feel that you have put so much time
and energy into certain areas of your life, and now others are threatening your success with their
unnecessary pessimism. This may or may not be true. It is possible that others are threatened by your
success; but it also may be that you need to slow down a little and exercise some restraint. The lesson is
all things in moderation. You can achieve success during this stage, as long as you maintain your
diplomatic skills.
Mar 21 2015 and Apr 27 2015 (Mar 8 2015 to May 10 2015)
TRANSITING JUPITER TRINE RADIX CHIRON - Now is the time to make the most of any opportunities
to lay to rest painful memories, which have haunted you in times gone by, and move into areas that are
linked straight to your heart. Opportunities for learning present themselves and you may discover talents
that you never knew existed. One person, an important teacher or healer may enter your life, or you could
take a study course or travel. Alternatively if this transit happens later in your life, you also may have the
chance to express your own teaching and healing talents, finding an appropriate avenue of expression for
wisdom gained from past experience.
Apr 27 2015 (Apr 7 2015 to May 24 2015)
your chart you have the opportunity to bring a new spiritual dimension into your career. The path to this
dimension is not necessarily easy, but it is ultimately rewarding. It may be that you lose a job, which at the
time seems very painful. Later you will see that this has actually paved the way for a new healing lifestyle.
On the other hand, you may now be presented with opportunities to heal and teach in your present job or
offered new studies which will open up new paths for the future. In some cases you may meet a
significant person who will help you on your path. Whatever the circumstances you will look back on this
time as adding a spiritual dimension to your life path.
Apr 29 2015 (Apr 11 2015 to May 18 2015)
TRANSITING URANUS TRINE RADIX SOUTH NODE - New experiences abound prompting a change of
direction more in line with your true purpose in life. This could involve meeting new groups of people, an
exciting new relationship, change of career or new interest. It could also involve metaphysics, science,
environmental interests or technology. This is a metaphysical time during which you have the opportunity
to become more alive and open to life's excitement. It's also possible that you will take up activities that,
although not obviously linked with your ultimate purpose, will stand you in good stead later in life. Our own
ideas of our true purpose at one stage in life may differ at a later stage. So keep an open mind and make
the most of any opportunities that pass your way.
May 16 2015 (May 6 2015 to May 25 2015)
TRANSITING JUPITER OPPOSITION RADIX MARS - You have plenty of drive and energy right now. This
can be directed in to personal or work projects or perhaps a sport. You are keen to take the initiative and
move ahead with your plans. Perhaps you have been planning to travel abroad or to study martial arts?
On the other hand you may have been waiting for the go ahead on a special project or for a promotion at
work. Now you receive the good news and are able to step into action. You are clear that you are heading
in the right direction and feel confident of success. And it's true. You do have the drive and good fortune
to achieve success during this stage. This is an excellent time to spend plenty of time and energy on your
favourite project, with an assurance of reaping what you have sown. You may also enjoy channelling
some of your energy into your favourite sporting activities. However, during this phase you are in danger
of going over the top in your efforts to achieve your personal goals. You may jeopardise your success
through impatience with yourself and others, thus alienating those who are in a position to support your
goals. Perhaps you are having difficulty seeing things in perspective and fail to listen to those closest to
you when they say that you are being a little rash and stubborn. You feel that you have put so much time
and energy into certain areas of your life, and now others are threatening your success with their
unnecessary pessimism. This may or may not be true. It is possible that others are threatened by your
success; but it also may be that you need to slow down a little and exercise some restraint. The lesson is
all things in moderation. You can achieve success during this stage, as long as you maintain your
diplomatic skills.
May 26 2015 (May 13 2015 to Jun 9 2015)
TRANSITING SATURN CONJUNCTION RADIX NEPTUNE - During this time you are cut off from other
people. Negatively this can be because you are feeling lonely and failing to reach out to others, or
positively because you are using the time for some serious contemplation. Beware of your own gloom at
this time. You may feel that many areas of your life have failed leaving you with an overwhelming sense of
hopelessness. There is a reason for these negative thoughts and feelings. This transit is demanding that
you see your life in a different light, a more spiritual rather than physical light. At first this can be
depressing as you realise the hopelessness of pursuing purely personal ambitions which have no greater
purpose. However, by the end of the transit you will have incorporated a larger and more selfless view
and may have a clearer vision for the future. Contemplation and meditation can prove very useful during
this time.

Each particular zodiac sign has it's own characteristics. If you click on the sign you can read about some of the traits
of that sign. Or order one of our
reports and use the power of the planets to your advantage and tap into what should come naturally to you.