Health and Wellness Astrology Report

Health and Wellness Astrology Report is an insightful astrology report with tips about diet, exercise and
healing modalities. This wonderful report helps you identify and transform imbalances of energy and negative emotional patterns, as well as discover ways to boost your self-esteem and discover renewed
energy and purpose.
The report contains easy-to-understand text of approximately 25 pages.
Price - $20 Availaibility = 24 hours through email or add to your
Astro Selfie.
Included in The Health and Wellness report are:
- Your General Temperament - Balance of Elements and Modes
- Your Emotional Health - Moon in the signs
- Your Spiritual Essence - Sun in the signs
- Your Vitality - the Life Force - Sun in the houses
- Managing the Physical Demands of Living - Aspects to the Sun
- Your Physical Body and Energy -The Ascendant
- Strengths and Sensivities - Planets in the 1st
- Inner Needs and Outer Experiences - Finding Balance - Ruler of the Ascendant, Plus Aspects to the Ascendant Plus Aspects of the Ruler of The Ascendant
- Work and Health - Managing the Impact of Stress - Planets in the 6th House Plus Ruler of the 6th House
- Limiting the Impact of Chronic Stress - Planets Aspecting the 6th House cusp
- Physical Energy and Exercise - Mars in the signs and houses
- Healing Solutions - Chiron in the signs and houses
- Key Parts of the body
Suzanne Somers
(born Suzanne Marie Mahoney; October 16, 1946)is an American actress, author, singer and businesswoman, known for her television roles as
Chrissy Snow on Three's Company and as Carol Lambert on Step by Step.
Somers later became the author of a series of best-selling self-help books, including Ageless: The Naked Truth About Bioidentical Hormones (2006), about bioidentical hormone replacement therapy.
She has released two autobiographies, four diet books, and a book of poetry.
She has been criticized for her views on some medical subjects and her advocacy of the Wiley Protocol,
which has been labelled as "scientifically unproven and dangerous". Her promotion of alternative cancer treatments has received criticism from the American Cancer Society.
Medical astrology is a complex branch of the astrologer's art. Many factors need to be taken into account
when considering the overall health of the individual.
This report aims to give you a picture of some of the astrological indicators in the horoscope that
correspond with your health and wellbeing.
The information in this report includes an assessment of your Natal Chart specifically focusing on health
related matters. It includes a range of nutritional advice, stress management tips and therapy options.
However, it is not intended that this report be used in place of a consultation with a qualified medical
practitioner, nor persons qualified in complementary or alternative healing. It is vital to always seek out
professional medical and nutritional advice where one's health is concerned.
This report aims to provide you with some useful tips about physical health matters and also about
mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. This information is based on the author's own knowledge
obtained over more than 30 years as an astrologer and healer as well as additional research she has
undertaken. The main focus of this report is to point out the astrological indicators that can manifest as
health problems, or imbalances, and to suggest possible causes and/or treatments that might be of
If a particular theme is mentioned more than once in several different sections, then it is worthy of special
attention. Likewise, if there are contradictions between some sections, this doesn't necessarily mean that
they cancel each other out; both are probably applicable at different times, or under different
When reading this report, don't assume that all the health issues mentioned will actually manifest. This
report includes an assessment of some of the most challenging aspects and planetary positions in your
chart, and as a result it tends to focus on potential problems. It would be a mistake to assume that all the
health issues mentioned in this report will actually be experienced. Be aware too, that our Natal Chart is
not a static thing. It is a symbolic representation of our potential, which unfolds and develops as we
journey through life. Our conscious actions and choices play a key role in health too.
Essential oils should not be swallowed. If used in a burner, they should be diluted with water. If used for
massage they should be added to suitable carrier oil such as almond oil, before use. Do your own
research before using essential oils. Certain oils are not recommended for some conditions and some
can be harmful and/or toxic. There are a number of contra-indicators to be aware of when using herbal
treatments too. Some oils and herbs can be harmful during pregnancy and individual people can be
sensitive or allergic to particular substances.
Herbal supplements, vitamins and minerals can be helpful in restoring health, but be aware that some
substances can be toxic if used in excess and can have a detrimental effect on health. Some people are
allergic to certain herbs and some herbal remedies are contra-indicated during pregnancy. Seek
professional advice from a naturopath or herablist before starting treatment.
The author takes no responsibility for any adverse reactions caused. The information in this report is
offered as a guide to health. The author takes no responsibility for the specific use or application of
information presented here, nor for any unwanted effects encountered. Do not attempt self-treatment for
serious health conditions.
Your Basic Health Needs
Your General Temperament
The overall balance of Elements and Modes (also called qualities) is connected with our general attitudes
and perspective and shows whether our values, point of view and style of expression are particularly
focused towards certain tendencies of temperament, or whether there is some under-emphasis. The
balance of Elements and qualities also relates to one's overall constitution. Where there is too much, or
too little, of any Element or quality, there can be a corresponding imbalance that we need to address in
order to bring about emotional, spiritual, mental and physical wellbeing. Fire provides creativity,
confidence and energy, Earth gives practical skills and the ability to deal with reality, Air is associated
with social and communication skills, while Water provides the capacity for intimacy, emotional
connection and nurturing.
Element Fire is Balanced
...and Element Earth is Balanced
...and Element Air is Balanced
...and Element Water is Balanced
The Elements in your chart are balanced. This means that you are capable of finding a happy balance
between the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of living. Therefore you are also likely to
cope pretty well with the many aspects and challenges of life. You have the necessary resources to call
on to help you manage different situations.
Your Emotional Health
The Moon symbolises our capacity to give and receive nurturing. Our feelings, emotions and personal
inner life all relate to the Moon, as does food and nutrition. Our emotional wellbeing often relates to
inherited patterns of behaviour from our parents and/or defence mechanisms that we learnt in childhood.
The Sign in which the Moon is located will describe the way in which our need for nurturing and emotional
security is sought and met. As adults, we still have a child within us that continues to seek comfort and
The Moon is in Cancer
You are highly sensitive, imaginative and intuitive. It is important for you to feel a sense of emotional
security at all times. The source of this emotional security may be found in many places, including close
family ties, a sense of family history, putting down roots, intimate relationships, parenting, forging close
connections with nature or animals, or by giving to others less fortunate. You are a caring and giving
person. Whatever the source/s of your emotional security, the important thing for you is to feel that you
have a sense of belonging, for when you do not, you can lose your confidence, get involved in destructive
relationships, or over indulge in food and/or alcohol as a way to fill yourself up.
It can be difficult for you to let go of emotional connections once they are formed and separation anxiety
can occur for a variety of reasons, especially if you feel rejected by others. In reaching for food to fill
yourself up, or alcohol to drown your sorrows, you lead the risk of developing other emotional and/or
health problems. At times you can revert to coping mechanisms from childhood, seeking out a "parent" to
take care of you. You possess a deep core of emotional strength within you, which it is important to
honour. Giving to yourself and honouring your own needs will quickly restore your emotional core. Nine
times out of ten, following your intuition will guide you along the right path.
The Moon is Sesquisquare Venus
Both relationship stress and financial stress can be particularly upsetting for you. This could be related to
feelings of insecurity that have their roots in your upbringing and early development. You may have felt
unloved or ignored by your parents or perhaps your family had to struggle financially to make ends meet.
Sometimes insecurity can lead to eating disorders and food addictions. Your early conditioning may
have also lead to attention seeking behaviour, or conversely you may deny your emotional needs and
instead focus on giving to others, later feeling resentful. During adolescence when relationships and peer
group pressures are high, you may have had some difficult experiences that led to further insecurity. It is
important that you learn to value yourself. This will help you to establish loving relationships and find the
security you seek. Try not to turn to food as a solace. This can lead to weight gain that can further deplete
your self-esteem. You probably have a real talent for art and art therapy can be highly beneficial for you.
Theatre, music and other forms of creative expression will help to build your confidence. Try to be more
discerning in your relationship choices. If no suitable relationship is available, don't settle for second best.
You will learn that you are perfectly capable of managing on your own.
Your Vitality and Wellbeing
Your Spiritual Essence
The Sun plays a vital role in matters of health. The Sun governs physical stamina and vitality. We get
Vitamin D directly from the Sun, and a lack of exposure to sunshine can lead to a host of illnesses
including seasonal depression, especially for those who live in extreme latitudes.
The Sun Sign will often describe our manner of self-expression. It can also reveal information about our
physical type and the kinds of ailments that can affect us, including parts of the body that are affected by
stress and genetically inherited conditions.
The Sun Sign represents the essence of who we are. It is largely associated with our sense of identity. As
we move through life and learn more about ourselves, we tend to become more like our Sun Sign.
Early in life, the Sun Sign is more likely to express itself as ego. Later in life, as we come to know
ourselves, our self-expression becomes more developed. Jung's concept of the 'Self' is also associated
with the Sun Sign, which begins to emerge as we develop and mature. As we move through life, we move
away from purely ego expression, towards a more comprehensive style of self-expression.
Stress can manifest according to the Sign in which the Sun is placed and this can affect our wellbeing
and health. For example, when our ego expression is thwarted, if we lack confidence, or are fearful about
expressing ourselves.
As we get to know ourselves and develop more fully, we become more conscious and aware, so our Sun
Sign shines ever more brightly.
The Sun is in Libra
You have a strong need for harmony and peace and you possess excellent diplomatic and social skills,
which you use to establish and maintain harmonious relationships. At the same time you are a dynamic
and driven person and therein lies a conflict that you can find a difficult balancing act. For how does one
go about expressing oneself and one's desires, but at the same time allow others to have their way,
whilst keeping the peace and maintaining harmonious ties? Consequently you may feel an inner tension
that is not obvious to others. On the surface everything seems peaceful and wonderful, but underneath
you can sometimes be a mass of contradictions that produce their own brand of stress. Relationships
are often a source of stress for you, which can manifest in a range of disorders including: skin problems,
eyestrain, urinary tract infections, kidney infections and headaches. Soaking in a bath with added oils of
Juniper, Tea Tree and Sandalwood can aid in treating cystitis, which is a condition to which you are
sometimes prone. Drinking cranberry juice can actually prevent it from developing.
You might need to learn to express your own needs more directly. You will find this easier to do as you
get to know yourself. Being fair to others is high on your agenda, but sometimes this means that you have
trouble easily expressing your needs and can appear to be manipulative, which can create more
problems than it solves. As you get to know yourself you will find that making decisions and being direct
will become easier. You will learn to be fair on yourself too. Though a challenge, you perhaps need to
develop the ability to spend time alone. You are motivated by others, but can struggle when there is
nobody around to inspire or challenge you. You could benefit from yoga, or perhaps regular walking, or
other activities that give you some time alone with yourself.
During periods of stress you can feel pulled in many directions by your own desires, your commitments
and your relationships. Avoiding emotional confrontation and trying to keep the peace at all costs can be
counter-productive. Over time you will stop trying to please everybody else and be able to balance your
desires with those of others. It will become easier to simply state your position and say no if you want to.
Consequently, you will discover that your health will improve because stress will impact less.
Your Vitality - The Life Force
The position of the Sun has a great deal to say about one's overall constitution, vitality and health. The
House in which the Sun is placed corresponds directly with the time of day that you were born. Generally
speaking, a person born during the day is thought to have a more powerful and dynamic solar energy and
to be more extraverted and direct in their manner of self-expression, than someone born during the night,
when more subtle night forces make for more introspection.
If you were born at sunrise, or in the middle of the day, the Sun is at its greatest strength and your solar
forces are very powerful. As well as the House in which the Sun is placed, consider the Sun's Sign and
the aspects it makes to other planets, all of which will provide more clues to the overall picture of health
and life force. As well as vitality and energy, the Sun governs one's identity, creativity and self-expression.
Without the Sun there is no life. Therefore, the relative position of the Sun says a great deal about the
type of energy and life force that we possess.
The Sun is in the 6th House
You are a very hard worker and like to do everything to the best of your ability. Your self-identity is largely
determined by your work or job. However, you could be prone to digestive complaints or assimilation
disorders, metabolic problems, or burnout, especially if you feel unhappy in your occupation, or daily
routine. Also make sure you watch what you eat, as you may be sensitive to particular foods. Most
importantly, find an enjoyable job and change your routine once in a while, which will have an enormously
positive effect on your wellbeing.
Your attitude has a large bearing on your overall health and happiness. You often worry about your health
and have a tendency towards hypochondria. As you learn to go with the flow of life and discover more
about yourself, you will find that you can stop trying to be perfect and just enjoy living. This will improve
your general outlook and health. You were born just after sunset, when the Sun's rays are beginning to
retreat at dusk, signifying that you are highly analytical and trying to make sense of your experiences. For
this reason, you need to spend time alone on a regular basis, but don't isolate yourself too much from
others. You set very high standards for yourself and like to be self-sufficient, but you can be overly
focused on attaining perfection, which you never reach. Try not to put yourself under so much pressure.
Learn to laugh more and make time to relax away from work. Try yoga, golf, Tai Chi or bushwalking.
Managing the Physical Demands of Living
When challenging relationships are formed between the Sun and other planets, this can relate to internal
and external stress factors that can lead to health problems, if ways are not found to balance their
energies. The Sun is a vital component of life and vitality. These aspects can be potent indicators of
one's overall health and wellbeing.
Magnesium, Iodine, Vitamin A and Vitamin D are ruled by the Sun. A deficiency or incorrect assimilation
of any of these minerals and vitamins can be the cause of health problems when there are difficult
aspects involving the Sun.
Also consider those vitamins and minerals that are associated with the planet involved in the challenging
aspect with the Sun, for this too may provide clues as to potential deficiencies, that when brought into
balance, can aid healing.
These challenging aspects involving the Sun can also symbolise aspects of our internal psychology that
we need to integrate, so that they flow with more ease and work for us, rather than fighting with them, for
we are really only fighting with ourselves.
The Moon is Square The Sun
A deficiency of Vitamin B2 and/or Potassium, or deficiencies of magnesium, iodine, or Vitamins A or D
are possible with this aspect. There can be an imbalance between your vitality, energy and enthusiasm
on the one hand, and your inner capacity to cope with all that is going on in your external environment.
Therefore, it is important that you get proper nutrition into your body. You may need much more, or far
less sleep than the average person, or you may experience sleep disturbances. A few drops of lavender
oil on your pillow at night can help you relax and unwind. Valerian is a wonderful herbal supplement that is
most helpful for insomnia.
You may find it difficult to express yourself creatively while at the same time honouring your feelings and
emotions, or you may feel torn between your family commitments and your professional life, which can be
difficult to manage at times. It is important to deal with this stress by adopting regular relaxation or other
techniques, which will help you to cope and feel more at ease. Your challenge is to find a way to balance
your daily, conscious activities with your personal, inner and unconscious life. Both inner and outer
experiences are important.
Chiron is Conjunct The Sun
You are a sensitive and caring soul who can be is easily wounded by life. You may be subject to a range
of illnesses, perhaps even serious health concerns, which can impact on you both physically and
emotionally. As a result of life's experiences you will come to realise that you possess a unique gift for
healing; indeed a profession in the healing arts could ideally suit your temperament and abilities. You
would be wise to listen and honour your inner self. You may find that you are put into situations that are
painful and through this suffering you will become a more caring and giving individual. You will discover
that healing takes place on many levels and come to understand that the physical, mental, emotional and
spiritual dimensions are intertwined and of equal importance. You can make a valuable contribution to
the health and wellbeing of others and may become involved in teaching the lessons you have learned.
Honouring and expressing your individuality may be a challenge, but will bring rewards as you develop
Your Health Factors
Your Physical Body and Energy
The Ascendant is one of the most important factors to consider in determining one's overall health. The
Sign on the Ascendant governs the physical body and one's immediate environment. It represents the
interface between spirit and matter. The Ascendant often describes our physical appearance and the
way we interact with others. The Sign that is Rising at your time of birth is usually quite obvious; often
more so than the Sun Sign. The concept of the "persona" is thought to be associated with the Ascendant.
This is the "mask" we wear, or the face that we show to the world and therefore the Ascendant Sign
corresponds to characteristics that are immediately apparent. The Sign on the Ascendant also describes
areas of the body where we might feel the effects of any stress that we encounter in our interaction with
the world around us. The Ascendant will often describe those health conditions that manifest as a result of
short-term stress. This area of the horoscope corresponds with acute health conditions and the stress we
encounter when we are trying to fit in, or trying to put our best side forward, especially when we feel we
must hide our true nature.
The Ascendant is in Taurus
You are firmly grounded and consequently you tend to move about in a rather slow and measured style.
You are very determined to make your mark on the world. Your physical type is stocky and you can be
prone to weight gain, often caused by a love of rich food. Sometimes you consume too many fatty or
sugary foods, which can lead to a range of health problems. Try to avoid too much rich food and limit your
alcohol consumption.
You can be prone to conditions such as; gout, diabetes, obesity, tonsilitis, neck problems, thyroid
imbalances, goitre, sore throats, heart disease, jaw and teeth problems, haemorrhoids or constipation.
But you probably do not get sick very often and tend to have a strong constitution. You also tend to soldier
on when you are feeling unwell, determined not to let anything, let alone your health, interfere with your
plans. As a result, you can end up with serious health problems if you fail to rest or address problems in
the first instance.
Learn to listen to your body and also to the advice of health professionals when you sense there is
something wrong. Your strong physical body will enjoy the routine of regular exercise. Exchange fat and
sugar in your diet for other pleasurable activities that will better serve your health. In the long run you will
see the results. Try exercises that release energy slowly and require patience. Golf, dance and yoga are
some suggestions.
Inhalation of aromatherapy oils such as Clary Sage, Cypress, Sandalwood and Tea Tree can assist with
sore throats. Regular massage has special benefits for those with Taurus rising; you probably adore any
kind of tactile, hands-on therapy. A regular remedial massage will do you the world of good. Lavender,
Fennel and Juniper oils can be particularly soothing and relaxing. Treat yourself often.
Your Strengths and Sensitivities
The 1st House of your Horoscope and the Ascendant are associated astrologically with the physical
body. The Ascendant is the place of interface between the physical and spiritual realms.
The Ascendant also describes your immediate environment and general physical type. Planets in the 1st
House and in particular those that are in conjunction with the Ascendant, are considered to be very
strong. These planets tell us something more about our physical appearance, vitality and manner of
Any planets that make a conjunction to the Ascendant are especially powerful. These planets and any that
are located in the 1st House should be taken into consideration when assessing your physical attributes
and health.
Planets located here represent energies that are generally operating very consciously and their qualities
are usually quite apparent to others too.
These planets will modify the expression of the Ascendant Sign, and in some cases may seem to
contradict it, but taken together you will probably strongly identify with both the Ascendant Sign and any
planets in the 1st House.
Inner Needs and Outer Experiences - Finding Balance
When certain planets and the Ascendant are at odds with one another, we can experience inner tension
and challenges that can feel as if we are being pulled in two directions at once. The Ascendant is that
part of us that interfaces with our immediate environment, so when planets are in hard aspect to the
Ascendant, we can encounter challenges as we try to express ourselves in the wider world. We can also
experience issues that arise because there are differences between what we want to express and what
we think is expected of us. Stress can build up over time if there is no outlet for self-expression, so these
aspects can be potent indicators of one's overall health and wellbeing. As we learn to work with some of
these challenges, they can actually help us to grow and to lead more purposeful lives.
Dispositor of The Ascendant (Venus) is Sesquisquare The Moon
Any health problems you experience may have, at their cause, emotional issues stemming from
childhood. These issues may have to do with your upbringing, your family, or your relationship with your
mother, and they may be related to your diet. You feel things deeply and are highly sensitive to your
environment and as a child you may have been wounded in ways that mean it is difficult for you to
express your feelings easily as an adult. People may misinterpret your motives or you may have trouble
giving voice to your feelings. Nevertheless, you have a strong desire to express your emotions and to find
fulfilment through relationship and so it is up to you to heal emotionally and to let go of the past.
The past is important, but not as important as the present or the future. At times you may feel stuck in the
past and feel unable to move forward until you resolve outstanding emotional problems. If you develop
issues with food and diet, such as bingeing, or erratic hormonal fluctuations, this can be a signal that it is
time to work through some of these issues. Healing options for you may include counselling,
psychotherapy or hypnotherapy. Always ensure that you get enough potassium and B-Group vitamins in
your diet, which can assist with food cravings and help to balance your metabolism, also seek out therapy
options as required. Although sensitive, you probably have a great deal of inner emotional strength, and
can cope with life's ups and downs better than you might think. Wearing Moonstone can be helpful in
balancing your hormones and emotions.
Mercury is Opposite The Ascendant
You are given to behaving in very spontaneous and changeable ways according to the whims of the
moment and the people and circumstances in which you find yourself. You can be an extravert and also
an introvert. You are highly adaptable and cope pretty well with the stresses of daily life, however you may
be prone to catching viruses, colds and flu, gastric problems, or ingesting substances that have a
detrimental effect. You may also experience accidents from a tendency to rush without enough
forethought. Both respiratory conditions and digestive complaints may be associated with an underlying
allergic response to certain foods or air-borne substances such as pollen or dust. Some of these
symptoms may be brought on by too little thiamine (B1). Thiamine deficiency can also result in nervous
complaints and even nerve damage. Communication problems such as stuttering or autism may also be
related to this aspect. You are highly capable and intelligent, but you are inclined to take on too much,
perhaps because of a need to show others how efficient or clever you are. Try to keep an open mind as
you learn from your experiences.
As you move through life you will likely grow out of most of these problems and develop a strong mind
and a powerful way of expressing your opinions and ideas, without having anything to prove. Ensure you
get enough B-Group vitamins, especially during times of stress.
Dispositor of The Ascendant is Venus
You strive to develop close intimate relationships. Despite any setbacks you encounter in your dealings
with people, you are still determined to find and establish supportive ties. You will make every effort to
work at your personal relationships. However, as your values are important to you, you may be unwilling
to compromise those priorities and values that are closest to your heart, just so a relationship can work.
Once you establish your priorities, you stick to them, and you can sometimes be judgemental of those
who see things differently. You may need to recognise your inner worth and that others' values have equal
When things get out of balance in your personal life you can experience a range of conditions such as
possible sugar problems, thyroid conditions, kidney problems, potential Vitamin E deficiency, eating
disorders, weight gain/loss, or issues involving self-esteem. A lack of B3 can result in skin problems such
as dermatitis and even mental disturbances. Ensure you get plenty of Vitamin B and E in your diet, which
will assist during times of stress. You are probably highly creative and may possess artistic skills. Using
these talents on a regular basis will be healing to your soul and fulfilling in other ways as well.
Finding a way to express yourself in accordance with your true values, while at the same time maintaining
supportive and harmonious relationships, is one of your main challenges. Wearing Rose Quartz can
assist in enhancing feelings of unconditional love, both giving and receiving.
Mars is Opposite The Ascendant
You are a fighter. You will stand up for your rights and for injustice and can be a powerful advocate for
getting issues heard. Your competitive nature means you are capable of putting a great deal of energy
into issues and causes that are close to your heart. This is a positive way to express your inner passions
and you will discover it is also more worthwhile than simply focusing on expressing your ego, competing
to attain personal goals, or having your own desires met. You generally have a great deal of energy and
passion that fuels your body and mind, but try to ensure that you do not overdo things. Get plenty of
vitamins and minerals, especially B12 and Iron and also try to make time to relax.
Taking things too far can result in cardiovascular ailments, high blood pressure, inflammatory conditions,
problems with the adrenal glands, headaches, migraines and fevers. Anger can be the root cause of
these problems. Anger management can go a long way towards a return to health. You may have sudden
outbursts from time to time. Although these are usually short lived, they can have a dramatic impact on
your relationships and your life in general. Swallowing your anger won't work either because repressed
hostility can also lead to disease. Channel your energy and any feelings of frustration into sport, exercise,
or make efforts to affect positive changes in the world around you.
Jupiter is Opposite The Ascendant
It is important for you to have a sense of purpose and to follow your visions. You are capable of doing
this, because you tend to express yourself with confidence. It does not appear to others that you have any
worries or concerns. You are generally relaxed in your style of expression and you may be viewed as an
authority in your field. Perhaps things are too easy. Problems can result if you do not have a clear vision
of what your life should be. Your early experiences may have taught you that to be successful you must
appear successful, and this is usually a winning formula, but part of you needs to have an underlying
belief or purpose to feel whole. If you do not have a sense of purpose or meaning, you can drift through
Until you find your mission in life, you can be quite restless and may have a tendency to over-indulge in
food, alcohol or drugs. Alcoholism is possible with this aspect and liver problems can result. High
cholesterol and heart conditions can also take hold. Weight gain and metabolic problems such as
diabetes are also possible. Supplements of Vitamin B6 and Zinc can be beneficial for you.
Don't waste your positive energy and opportunities on self-indulgent behaviour; use it to make the world a
better place. This is a much more productive, worthwhile and healthy option. Keep searching for your
mission and purpose and try to make practical use of your many skills and talents.
Saturn is Square The Ascendant
It is important that you have a goal or ambition in life and are able to express yourself by working towards
attaining achievement. If you are thwarted in attaining your ambitions you can become discouraged,
depressed, frustrated or angry. "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again", is a good motto for you to
follow. Sometimes you give up through lack of confidence and sometimes you spend too much time and
energy doing what you think is expected of you.
Once you have hit upon a plan, start to work towards it in a methodical way and you will eventually
achieve lasting results. Feelings of depression, frustration or anger are best channelled into helping
others, or taking time out to consider fresh alternatives. You can sometimes be too focused on getting
where you want to be in your professional life and can overlook your personal life and other needs. You
take your responsibilities too seriously at times and worry too much. Spend more time just relaxing and
enjoying yourself. Try to get enough sunshine, Vitamin D, Calcium and Vitamin C.
Bones, teeth and joints can be under stress with Saturn here. Arthritis, skin conditions and problems such
as osteoporosis are possible. Chiropractic care may be helpful. These conditions can be a signal that
you need to work through some fears you may have. Phobias or fears can block spontaneous
expression, which can impact on your health. You may need to learn that laughter and fun are just as
important as your responsibilities.
Neptune is Quincunx The Ascendant
It is important for you to develop a meaningful life philosophy and a creative outlet, for you are most likely
a gifted artist. You can be prone to depression and moodiness, especially if you do not feel a spiritual
connection with the natural world, nor have a belief system in which you can put your faith. You are a
sensitive soul who is easily affected by your environment. Expressing your creativity through the arts will
bring healing and a sense of belonging which is integral to your wellbeing.
In your efforts to feel a sense of belonging, you could try to forge connections with various people and/or
groups including associations that are not really in your best interest. Whether this is a conscious, or an
unconscious journey on your part, either way, you are seeking to make spiritual connections that are
meaningful and you give people the benefit of the doubt. You are a caring person, but you can sometimes
end up being taken advantage of, because of your highly idealistic nature and your strong desire for
meaningful connections. At times you can feel misunderstood, which can make you feel isolated, or
depressed. Stress can result in problems with the various fluids of the body such as lymph circulation.
You can also experience metabolic problems, endocrine system problems or glandular malfunctions. You
are likely to be highly sensitive to drugs and chemicals, so you should try to avoid these substances as
much as possible and/or monitor their intake for side effects. Avoid alcohol and recreational drugs.
Certain substances may work as poisons on your delicate system, so try to eat well and limit your
exposure to food additives and preservatives. You are highly imaginative and may need more sleep than
the average person in order to function effectively. Coping with the harsh realities of the world can be
traumatic for you, so endeavour to be involved with nature, animals, music and the arts as much as you
Pluto is Square The Ascendant
You have a powerful energy that can cope with just about anything that comes your way. Your inner
strength means you will fight against injustices as you seek to transform the world around you. You will
fight for what you want in life; this includes your personal ambitions, but your biggest challenges and
achievements have a more profound purpose.
It is possible that you come from a highly dysfunctional family background or that you will experience your
fair share of difficulties. This can foster within you a deep-seated need to be in control of your own
destiny. Your journey can take you from the depths of grief to the heights of success. More than anything
else, you are a survivor who will pit yourself against any challenge life throws at you. Your wounds are
both a source of pain and your greatest strength.
Pluto can be associated with genetically inherited conditions that can be difficult to treat. For you, stress
can result in health issues involving the reproductive organs. Mental illness is also a possibility; this can
include depression, bi-polar disorder, schizophrenia, and other similar conditions. Pluto can also
represent life-threatening conditions, but equally it infers that you are a survivor and can overcome even
the most difficult problems. It could be that a close family member is the one who experiences some of
these challenges and that you are the one who has to deal with them. As a result of your experiences you
may develop a strong interest in psychology and related fields, and you may be an agent for healing
others, as well as yourself. It is important that you learn to let go of those things that you cannot change.
Suggested healing options that could be beneficial for you include: detoxifying, colonic irrigation,
psychotherapy, hypnotic regression and family therapy. Whatever your situation, you have the capacity to
rise above your problems and turn difficulties into personal milestones, even great achievements.
Health Challenges
Work and Health - Managing the Impact of Stress
The 6th House yields important information about one's health. The 6th House is also the House of work
and daily activities, which indicates the connection that exists between all these aspects of life. The 6th
House is also associated with our habits. To stay healthy it is important to eat sensibly, to establish good
habits and to manage daily stress.
Planets connected to the 6th House often symbolise, or describe various parts of the body that we need
to monitor for the effects of long-term stress.
Unlike the Ascendant and planets in the 1st House, which usually describe more acute physical
conditions, the 6th House tends to correspond with more chronic health problems that can build up over
Our regular day-to-day activities, our habits, and our occupation are all connected with this House, the
House of health. It can be difficult to change our habits and routines, but it is possible. By making
conscious decisions that bring about better health, we can use the 6th House energies to establish
healthy habits.
Ruler of the 6th House is Mercury
You are often on the go and probably lead a busy life. You are capable and efficient, but at times you can
be under more stress than you think, for you are no slouch. You work hard and probably don't mind taking
on a variety of tasks, which you perform well. From time to time, try to get in touch with and express your
feelings too. Now and again take a break and slow down the pace, especially when you are not feeling
well. Ensure you get plenty of B-Group vitamins in your diet.
Stress can manifest as respiratory problems, such as asthma, or allergies. You may be prone to
digestive problems and/or viral infections, especially when you let yourself run down. Parts of your body
that are potentially vulnerable to the cumulative effects of stress are: lungs, arms, shoulders, larynx,
sinuses, urethra and the small intestine, as well as the nervous system. You can be prone to chronic
shoulder, arm or wrist problems too, including 'frozen shoulder' from long hours spent in front of the
Try not to eat on the run. Stop what you are doing and sit down to meals, eating slowly. Include plenty of
fresh vegetables and fruit in your diet.
Jupiter is in the 6th House
Stress can manifest when you feel restricted or limited by circumstances. You probably do not enjoy
working in an office and may prefer to work outdoors, or to travel as part of your job. You are generally
enthusiastic about your work in these circumstances and are always on the lookout for fresh
opportunities. When you are not enjoying your work, you can easily feel despondent or trapped, which
can lead to stress and health problems. It is therefore important for you to enjoy your work and to take
regular breaks or holidays.
Most long-term risks to your health come from the cumulative effects of over indulgence. You have a great
deal of energy in reserve, but are often so enthusiastic about what you are doing that you sometimes
overlook practical concerns such as any actual physical limitations. Do not overload your system with
fatty, sugary, or salty food and try to keep intake of alcohol to low or moderate levels. Most of the health
problems that you are likely to have, probably stem from your own actions, or inactions. Sometimes you
can be lazy too. Moderation is something you might need to learn. For you, stress and health problems
can manifest as liver and metabolic problems, skin conditions, or possible accidents. Other areas to
watch include: thighs, hips, lower back, sciatic nerve and muscular system, but generally you recover
Neptune is in the 6th House
You are highly adaptable and you may try to fit into situations from a misplaced sense of belonging. Work
colleagues and other people with whom you have regular contact can easily influence you, but you could
come to realise that you don't actually have much in common with these people. You may be a gifted
artist and trying to fit into the corporate jungle may cause you to actually get sick. It is important for your
wellbeing that you honour your intuition and creativity. You may be prone to illnesses that are difficult to
diagnose and you could be sensitive to certain foods, chemicals and/or drugs. You might also
experience symptoms that do not seem to have any explanation and you are potentially prone to
depression. Avoid chemicals and food additives where possible. You will benefit from drinking plenty of
water and having enough Omega 3 and 6 in your diet. Communing with nature will revive your spirits,
especially when the demands of daily life and work tasks seem to overwhelm you. You are likely to
benefit from such healing techniques as: Reiki, spiritual healing, aromatherapy, hypnotherapy and most
types of holistic healing. It is best that you avoid alcohol and recreational drugs. As a sensitive person,
you could also be prone to psychosomatic conditions and should make sure that you do what you can to
minimise the impact of stress. Other areas that can be affected by cumulative stress are the lymphatic
system and glandular system. When you feel the need to escape from your routine, do so by engaging in
activities that revive your spirits. Try to avoid wallowing or indulging.
Limiting the Impact of Chronic Stress
The 6th House is the House of health and also of work. When planets form challenging aspects to this
House they can symbolise day-to-day obstacles and/or frustrations that we encounter which cause stress
reactions that can impact on our health. Planets in hard aspect to the 6th House are often those that we
find frustrating in some way. These aspects are often associated with health matters, especially chronic
conditions and they also remind us how important it is to manage day-to-day stress.
Saturn is Semisquare the 6th House Cusp
You may encounter issues related to authority figures, such as parents, the government and/or
employers. You may either have an overly esteemed view of superiors, or perhaps resent their position
and authority. This may stem from issues with your parents when you were a child. As a result, you can
have problems establishing your own personal authority in the world, at least initially. Health problems can
result from work stress that builds up over time. You probably work too hard; perhaps you are trying to
make a good impression in order to rise through the ranks. Teeth, knee or joint problems are a signal
that you need to look after yourself and make the time to de-stress. Massage or chiropractic care may be
advisable. You may have clashes at work with those in authority, until you find a balanced attitude to
authority figures in general. As you mature this will become easier. Joint stiffness can be relieved by the
essential oils; Lavender, Eucalyptus, Juniper and Frankincense, add a few drops to a carrier oil for a
therapeutic massage, or add to your bath at times when you need to relax.
Uranus is Square the 6th House Cusp
You are a risk-taker and enjoy doing new things. This enthusiasm for change and new experiences
provides you with the excitement you seek, an escape from the ordinariness of the every day routine,
however it can lead you to take unnecessary risks that can lead to accidents. Accidents are more likely to
take place when you rush without considering what you are actually doing. You are somewhat highly
strung and can experience tension and problems associated with the nervous system when you are
feeling under stress. It is likely that your tendency to rush is exacerbated by certain activities and your lack
of enjoyment in them. For example, you may rush through things to get them out of the way quickly so you
don't have to think about how unhappy you are doing them. You have a quick way of doing things and can
also become frustrated by any delays you encounter in day-to-day living and work. It is probably important
that you develop a creative outlet, for you are probably suited to work that involves a large degree of
creative energy, independence and autonomy on your part. Self-employment may be the answer,
provided you can develop the necessary discipline. Manage your stress by using essential oils
Bergamot, Cedarwood, Geranium, Lavender and Lemongrass.
Physical Energy and Exercise
Iron, Cobalt, Chlorine, Folic Acid, Molybdenum, Selenium, Phosphorus, and Sodium, along with Fatty
Acids and Vitamin B12 are associated with Mars. Mars is a primary masculine or yang archetype,
associated with our physical energy and vitality. Mars also governs the adrenal glands, the sexual
response, the blood and the muscles. So the position of Mars describes our physical energy,
competitiveness and our passions. The usual action of Mars is direct, spontaneous and forceful.
Mars is also the planet associated with our ego. The location of Mars tells us how we go about getting
what we want, or how we turn our desires into reality. Mars also represents how we handle ourselves
when our desires are thwarted.
Used positively, Mars is associated with expressing our personal desires in spontaneous and creative
ways and expressing our creative energy in ways that fulfil our desires. If too intense in its expression,
Mars can be destructive, overly focused on ego, angry, hostile or aggressive. When under active, Mars
can operate in a passive-aggressive fashion, or can result in a lack of drive and energy.
Mars is in the 7th House
You can use your Mars energy in a variety of ways, but at times you can lack drive and may need the input
of others to motivate you. Activities that suit your energy style involve combining sport and exercise with
social contact. Team sports are therefore a good outlet for you. When you exercise, ensure that you drink
enough water, as you can be prone to dehydration, cystitis or kidney conditions. You can be highly
competitive and once you get into it, you find exercise enjoyable, but you can easily become sidetracked
by your many commitments. At times you can become overly competitive and can get into heated
debates if you feel unfairly treated. This can be counter-productive. Finding a partner with whom you can
share your exercise routine can help you to stay focused.
Although it is important for you to share your interests with other people, paradoxically you can create
conflict without meaning to. Sometimes you place too much importance on having the input, or approval
of others, which can lead you to become frustrated, or angry with yourself, because you are giving away
your power to others, in an attempt to be fair. Because you sometimes have difficulty expressing what
you want directly, you can over react and create unnecessary conflict. This in turn can make you stressed.
Try to find a way to honour your own desires, while also permitting others their own autonomy.
Mars is in Scorpio
Your energy style is dynamic and intense. You are both powerful and determined. You probably excel at
sports and exercise and like rise to any challenges. You are more than capable in a variety of physical
activities, but will probably enjoy those where you must focus both on attaining a goal and at the same
time challenging yourself. Martial arts, weight-training, boxing and sports requiring endurance are some
suggestions. You enjoy having an active sex life and probably consider sex to be the best exercise of all.
Possible health problems for you include infections of the reproductive organs, lower back problems or
constipation. Money worries can impact on your health too.
It is important for you to have a firm measure of control. You go after what you want with passion and
intensity and with your persistence, you will press on despite any obstacles that you encounter. If you do
not have an outlet for your passions, you can become frustrated and this can turn into aggression and
even vindictiveness. You possess an incredibly creative energy, but this can turn into destructive
tendencies when you become angry or frustrated. It is therefore important that you channel your dynamic
energy into productive outlets, where reforms and changes are needed. Learn to let go of things that you
cannot control. You will probably benefit enormously from learning meditation or yoga and long-distance
swimming could be a good outlet too.
Healing Solutions
Towards Health - The Journey Continues
Astrologically, Chiron is the archetype most associated with healing. In myth, Chiron was a wise centaur
and a teacher of the healing arts. His wisdom comes from experience. Wounded accidentally by
Hercules, Chiron's story is also symbolic of our own journey towards wholeness and healing. Chiron was
a healer and teacher and also physician, prophet and musician. Named for this mythological healer, the
small planet Chiron was discovered in 1977, heralding the arrival into consciousness of many new
aspects of complementary medicine and alternative healing techniques, just as the mythological Chiron
was adept in these natural arts and sciences. The position of Chiron in our Birth Chart reveals
information about where we might get in touch with our inner healer. Chiron symbolises our wounds and
painful experiences and it is also the agent via which we can return to full health and reclaim our sense of
wellbeing. The location of Chiron reveals clues about how we experience wounding and how we can find
healing, mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally.
Chiron is in the 6th House
Generally, you have a good comprehension of health matters and probably a strong interest in healing
and nutrition. You may in fact decide upon a career in the healing arts. But before that happens, you may
go through a period of questioning the intrinsic value of your work and lifestyle. This process may begin
with a build up of stress, the roots of which lie in your workplace and any reluctance on your part to
address the issues. Feelings of discomfort can affect your health. You may feel forced to work in jobs that
cause you high levels of stress. It could be that you are somehow obliged to work in a job for which you
are not temperamentally suited, or which results in some kind of stress related disorder or health
Associated physical problems can affect the small intestine, digestive system, spleen, and pancreas and
could relate specifically to allergies, food and diet.
Work and health issues can be signals that you need to focus your attention on the causes and effects of
stress. Eventually, this will pave the way for a change of direction into a role where you will be happier
and more valued, but it is important to first address your own health and wellbeing, on all levels. The first
step could be to learn more about natural healing.
By learning to embrace your own inner healer, you will find the key to mental, spiritual, emotional and
physical wellbeing. This will set upon a path that can lead to a new job or career.
Put your faith in your own intuition and seek professional advice if needed. After you directly experience
healing yourself, then it will be time to develop your skills and knowledge further. You will discover you
have an innate capacity to heal or to teach what you know, because you have personally experienced
profound healing.
Chiron is in Libra
Throughout your life, personal relationships will bring you opportunities to heal, even though there may be
some pain involved in this process and some relationships will be wounding. You will probably come to
know yourself and others very well and be a keen observer of human nature. It is primarily via
relationships that you will come to know more about yourself.
Relationships are likely to be a catalyst towards a conscious examination of your own patterns. You may
be an only child, adopted, come from a large family, or for some other reason experience an
overwhelming sense of aloneness. This causes you some pain, but it is also a source of comfort.
Because you find relationships to be a painful experience, you may tend to avoid them and prefer to be
on your own. At the same time, you have a highly idealised idea of what a relationship constitutes. You
have high standards that others may be unable to easily meet.
Often it is the same qualities that attract us to people, that we later discover are characteristics we find
the most difficult to handle. You may encounter people and develop relationships with those who are very
wounded. You may try to heal them, playing the role of therapist. Trying to heal the people with whom you
share personal relationships, can create problems.
Rather than always trying to heal others, perhaps you also need to consider undertaking therapy yourself.
Your gifts as a counsellor or therapist will be utilised much more effectively when you embrace your own
healing journey.
Healing Inherited Patterns
Chiron is the archetypal 'wounded healer' and his position in the horoscope reveals information about our
journey towards wholeness and wellbeing. When other planets combine with Chiron, our healing journey
takes on added significance. Specific wounds that we carry with us can also provide clues as to how we
can find inner wisdom and ultimate healing.
However, your own chart does not have any planets that fall into this category. Therefore you will need to
refer to the other sections of this report to find advice, which is relevant to your chart.
Key Parts of the Body
Each degree of the zodiac corresponds with a specific part of the body. The location of each planet in the
Birth Chart will therefore represent certain physical areas. This section lists all the anatomical degrees of
your Natal planets as well as the degree of the Ascendant and 6th House cusp.
Unfortunately, the exact meaning of a few of the terms in the anatomical degrees remains unclear, even
after consultation by the translator, Jane Ridder-Patrick, with German medical colleagues. However, from
the zodiacal area concerned, it is relatively simple to give a fairly reliable approximation. Although he did
include them along with his own work, Reinhold Ebertin was of the opinion that these degree areas are
not as reliable as those he himself used.
The 'azimene degrees' are also included in this list. These degrees, which are sometimes called
degrees lame and deficient, come from William Lilly's Christian Astrology written in the 17th Century. Lilly
says that blindness, deafness, lameness or any other crippling disability or deformity, can be explained
by the person having the Ascendant, the Ascendant ruler, the Moon or the most important planet, in either
the Natal Chart or the Decumbiture Chart (a chart for the onset of an illness), in any of the Azimene
Degrees (weak or lame degrees).
Please note that some of these degree areas are gender specific, and will therefore not necessarily
apply to you. It is important to also keep in mind that you probably won't have health problems with all of
these physical areas, nor necessarily with any of them, but if you do have a health issue that relates to any
of these degree areas, you may need to investigate the nature of this particular planet further, for specific
The Moon is located at the 17th degree of Cancer
Part of Body: Duodenal opening of pancreatic duct
The Sun is located at the 24th degree of Libra
Part of Body: Blood vessels of renal cortex
Mercury is located at the 14th degree of Scorpio
Part of Body: Foreskin
Venus is located at the 1st degree of Sagittarius
Part of Body: Pelvic bone (Azimene)
Mars is located at the 16th degree of Scorpio
Part of Body: Right ovary, cochlea of inner ear
Jupiter is located at the 5th degree of Scorpio
Part of Body: Testicles, left side of uterus
Saturn is located at the 8th degree of Leo
Part of Body: Inferior vena cava
Uranus is located at the 22nd degree of Gemini
Part of Body: Upper arm
Neptune is located at the 9th degree of Libra
Part of Body: Nerve supply to kidney and renal pelvis
Pluto is located at the 14th degree of Leo
Part of Body: Left ventricle of heart
Chiron is located at the 27th degree of Libra
Part of Body: Vascular system of skin
The North Node is located at the 13th degree of Gemini
Part of Body: Pulmonary veins
The Ascendant is located at the 10th degree of Taurus
Part of Body: Cervical veins (Azimene)
The Midheaven is located at the 24th degree of Capricorn
Part of Body: Muscle insertions of upper to lower legs
The 6th house cusp is located at the 25th degree of Virgo
Part of Body: Capsule and ligaments of liver

Each particular zodiac sign has it's own characteristics. If you click on the sign you can read about some of the traits
of that sign. Or order one of our
reports and use the power of the planets to your advantage and tap into what should come naturally to you.