Marriage Potential Astrology Report

The Marriage Potential Astrology Report
is aimed at those who would like to consider a relationship from the point of view of marriage viability.
Interpretations are written and scores given for different marriage indicators in two people's charts.
Planets in the 7th House of each person are analysed, as well as each person's synastry between the Sun and Moon for compatibility,
and Venus and Mars for sexual attraction.
DO NOT get married until you make sure there is enough sync and spark to make it last. Get yours today.
This relationship report is approximately 13 - 15 pages and fully illustrated.
Price - $25 Availaibility = 24 hours through email or add to your
Astro Selfie.
Included in The Marriage Potential report are:
- Marriage Indicators Marriage Prospects for Him Marriage Prospects for Her
- Marriage Challenges
- Sun and Moon Key Haronizing Factor
- Goals includes interpretations for the Ascendant and Mars in the sign and houses
- Venus and Mars the Spark
- In Sync and Spark Score
Kim Kardashian (born October 21, 1980) and Kanye West (born June 8, 1977)
Kimberly Kardashian (nee Kimberly Noel Kardashian; born October 21, 1980) is an American television and social media personality,
fashion designer, model, and actress. She and her family were commissioned to star in the reality television series Keeping Up with the Kardashians.
Kanye Omari West (born June 8, 1977)
is an American rapper, songwriter, record producer, film director, entrepreneur, and fashion designer.
It's been a whirlwind few years for Kim Kardashian and Kanye West, who started dating in Spring 2012; welcomed their first child, North West, last June; and got engaged just months later.
Let's take a look at their marriage potential report to wee what their sync and spark score is.
Questions about relationships, and marriage, loom large in the minds of most people visiting an astrologer. In todays world the word relationship is relatively straightforward, meaning someone with whom we would like to share my life in an intimate fashion. However, the word marriage conjures a different meaning for many people. Some are talking about a marriage in which a religious or civil ceremony is performed, a commitment sanctioned by their friends, family, church or state. Others are meaning a defacto live-in partnership and others may have a looser interpretation of the word.
This report does not, intentionally, take a specific view on marriage, but astrology does have clear indicators that can help when choosing a partner. If you are interested in dating, already involved with someone or simply curious, then this report is for you. Hopefully the Star Match Maker report will be reassuring and supportive of your own feelings and thoughts. However, astrology often opens a doorway to the truth, and this can be uncomfortable if we have been creating fantasies in our own minds. As such please do read this report and enjoy, and seek further counsel if you feel that it conflicts with your own truth.
In astrology, at least this form of astrology, this report is assessing whether or not a relationship is marriage material i.e. whether or not two people are likely to be successful in forming a lasting union, sanctioned in some fashion by the church or law of the land, if they so choose. This report is based on the work of Sepharial, a well-known and respected astrologer in the late 19th and early 20th century. Sepharial says in his work that marriage is not cohabitation. Marriage, in the astrological sense, is only affected by a contract which is binding upon the parties who are signatory thereto.
Please note that this report is intended as a guide only. Responsibility for decisions and outcomes, as always, lie with individual choice. Destiny is said to play a part in marriage, but so too is character. Hence this report outlines the character of each individual in a brief manner, and assesses whether or not a person and their partner is pre-dispossessed to have harmonious marriage contracts or not. It also outlines whether or not the person and their partner have elements that blend well or not. Many factors contribute to the success, or otherwise, of a committed relationship. This report is outlining some of the basics, whether harmonising or otherwise. Other influences in your astrology chart may negate or enhance some of the factors stated in this report.
Sepharial says It is also stated that the soul in man takes upon itself the characteristics of the body, as light takes upon itself the colour of the medium through which it passes, or as water takes the shape of the vessel into which it is poured; and it is this particular colouration of the soul which astrology seeks to define.
Marriage Indicators
Favourable For Marriage
Kims Marriage Prospects
Kim Has No Favourable Planets
The report shows that no favourable planets reside in the marriage sector of your Astrology Chart. This does not mean that a marriage cannot be entered into as this report is limited in its interpretation of your full Birth Chart. It is a basic human need to want a friend and companion to share lifes ups and downs. You may still wish to find a special someone to share your triumphs and offer consolation in troubled times. Indeed you are able to do so. The degree to which you are willing to adapt and compromise and work at marriage is reflected in other areas of your chart, and therefore your nature. The fact that the five main positive planets do not reside in the marriage sector of your Birth Chart may mean that you are more appreciative of your spouse when marriage does occur. Complacency is something that you avoid and therefore your union flourishes. It may also mean that other areas of your life take precedence or there may be other favourable astrological marriage indicators. You may be the type of person who is happy to focus on your career or friends, preferring to enjoy the freedom that a single life can offer. This is a choice that you can happily make. On the other hand you are reading this report which indicates that you are ready to broach the subject of marriage, at the very least. There is also an argument that says that when you are young you are likely to enter blithely into marriage not fully realising the extent to which compromise is required. As you mature your wisdom, gained from personal experience, stands you in good stead in your union, or should you have divorced and are ready to make another commitmenht. Other astrological factors may influence your marital sector, and also you may like to see if there are any unfavourable influences, or consult an Astrologer who may see the other positive influences. You may also enjoy obtaining a more comprehensive Birth Chart report to read the full influences of the stars on your marriage prospects.
Your Partner Kaynes Marriage Prospects
Kayne Has No Favourable Planets
This report indicates that no favourable planets reside in the marriage sector of Kaynes Astrology Chart. This does not mean that a marriage cannot be entered into, but asks that you explore this topic further. It may mean that other areas of Kaynes life take precedence, or perhaps there are some contrary influences which support a cautionary approach to marriage. In the modern times of instant gratification, it may seem difficult to take things slowly, but this is wise in certain cases. It is also possible that there are other influences in Kaynes Birth Chart that encourage a marriage union. Personal commitment to relationships in general may be reflected in other sectors of your partners Birth Chart. As such his diligence within marriage may more than make up for a lack of planets residing in the marriage sector. Kayne may be committed to communication and tending any relationship because of his own personal traits. A lack of complacency is to be commended and recommended for the success
of any long-term relationship. There is also an argument that says that when your partner was young he may have blithely entered marriage not fully realising the extent to which compromise was required. As he matured wisdom, gained from personal experience, proves invaluable for the union, or stands him in good stead to make informed marital choices should he have divorced and wish to make such a commitment again. Other astrological factors may influence your marital sector, and also you may like to see if there are any unfavourable influences, or consult an Astrologer who may see the other positive influences. By reading this report you are currently gaining valuable information about the influences on your partners attitudes to and behaviour in partnership. You may see this as a starting point and might like to consult an Astrologer or a more comprehensive Birth Chart report to read the full influences of the stars on your marriage prospects.
Marriage Indicators Contrary for Marriage
Kims Marriage Challenges
Kim Has No Contrary Planets
The pathway to marriage and true love is clear as no contrary planets reside in the marriage sector of your Astrology Chart. This can be a very positive sign that highlights your other relationship strengths. However, you also need to note whether or not positive influences are present. If you have no favourable planets in this sector, then this could mean one of several things. You could be happy living a single life, focussed on your own goals rather than on conjugal bliss. On the other hand you may marry and together you and your spouse share common goals. Independence features in your marital commitment. If you are married you need to ensure that you do not take your partner for granted. If you choose to marry, then you also need to tend to your union in much the same way that you tend to other areas of your life. Other areas of your life may take precedence from time to time, but you need to ensure that you are not neglecting your marital vows. If you would rather not marry then this is a viable choice, enabling you to focus on your career, or other independent pursuits. You may prefer the freedom that a single life can offer. However, it does clear the way for a positive marriage contract if you have favourable planets in your marriage sector. You are also likely to be sensitive to the influences of your proposed, or chosen, partner. The fact that you are reading this report which indicates that you are ready to broach the subject of marriage, at the very least. Therefore you may like to see if there are any favourable influences, or consult an Astrologer or a more comprehensive Birth Chart report to read the full influences of the stars on your marriage prospects.
Your Partner Kaynes Marriage Challenges
Kayne Has No Contrary Planets
No contrary planets reside in the marriage sector of your partners Astrology Chart. This is a positive indicator of a clear path to marital happiness, particularly if your partner has favourable influences. It may also mean that other areas of your partners life take precedence.
For instance your partner may focus on career or other independent pursuits. Kayne may the freedom that a single life can offer. Nevertheless if Kayne also has favourable indicators then you are likely to enjoy a union that offers both support in troubled times and joyful companionship in happy moments.
As long as Kayne is committed to his vows and willing to tend to this union then you are both on the right path. This union may need a little effort to ensure that love blossoms and marriage thrives. As American journalist Mignon McLaughlin says: A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.
You and your partner, Kayne, have few obstacles to achieving this goal if it is what you both want. If you are in agreement that this is a coupling of consequence then other sections of this report can show you the strengths on this union, on which you can build a lasting bond. You can also consult an Astrologer or a more comprehensive Birth Chart report to read the full influences of the stars on your marriage prospects.
Sun And Moon Key Harmonising Factors
Kims Sun is in Air and Kaynes Sun is in Air
Love is in the Air, Everywhere I look Around, Love is in the Air, Every sight and Every Sound. The song by John Paul Young says it all. You are both born with your Suns in Air Signs indicating that you are simpatico when it comes to expressing yourselves in the world. The Air Signs include Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. With your Suns in Air Signs you both identify with each others insightful ideas, communication skills and intelligence. You find it easy to communicate with each other, and with those around you. You are likely to enjoy exchanging ideas, debating a variety of topics and exploring thought-provoking interests. You may also enjoy a similar sense of humour. Quick wit and repartee may be part of your common ground. You may also pursue a common cause or interest, something that you both think of as very worthwhile. Romance is important and you like to express your love freely, but this does not mean that you want to be caught in the world of emotions for too long. As you are in agreement on this issue and many others, you score highly with this combination. This is a very harmonious indicator of a successful love match.
Kims Moon is in Water and Kaynes Moon is in Water
The Moon is considered one of the most personal points in Astrology, and therefore is very significant in any personal relationship, and particularly in marriage. This combination is one of the most fortuitous indicating a strong emotional bond, which is essential for a long-lasting marital bond. You are simpatico. This is a marriage made in heaven because the two of you feel in tune with each other. This combination can be good for friendship, if other aspects of your astrology clash. However, it is ideal for a love relationship because you are in harmony in a key area - your emotions. Feelings play such a vital role in any significant relationship. Therefore you are fortunate indeed to have found someone who understands yours, and vice versa. When you are highly compatible emotionally this flows through to all other aspects of your relationship. You both feel a strong connection and this is important.
If you dont feel comfortable with another person then you are unlikely to be able to relax and express your true nature. Therefore this relationship is deeply significant.
You enjoy each others company and understand each others need to care and share. You are both able to make time available for the purpose of sharing feelings. You understand each others need to have supportive family and friends, even if this occasionally impinges on your own time together. You share the need to nurture your loved ones, as well as each other. Friends and family who are fierier in nature may see your relationship as a little cloying, a little too interdependent but you understand that you have each found your safe haven. You are happy, content and secure in the knowledge that your love is nearby.
Kims Sun is in Masculine and Kaynes Moon is in Feminine
The course of an intimate relationship runs a lot more smoothly when both people are on the same wavelength. Of course commitment is still required, but it is a lot easier when two people are in tune with each other. The elements of a person are similar to those in Mother Nature or Gaia. Fire sparks Fire to make a bigger, more spectacular Fire show. Water joins with Water to spread from a small creek to an ocean brimming with even more aquatic delights. So it goes on. It is similar in relationships. When two similar elements combine, the two people concerned are working together to create a beautiful partnership. When two opposing elements combine then challenges arise. Water can douse a Fire. Alternately Air can fan Fire. Hence the elements either aid or obstruct each other. In the same way two people, when combining, can either aid or obstruct each other. If you are not careful you are likely to stand in each others way. This combination can indicate two people who are attracted but whose differences become obstacles to personal happiness. With commitment you can work through your differences, but you both need to be certain that this is what you want. Are there enough other strong elements of compatibility in your natures, and your Horoscopes to warrant the leap of faith and the compromise that this relationship needs? If so then this influence is not as strong and you can rely on the strength of your bond.
Kims Moon is in Feminine and Kaynes Sun is in Masculine
The course of an intimate relationship runs a lot more smoothly when both people are on the same wavelength. Of course commitment is still required,
but it is a lot easier when two people are in tune with each other. The elements of a person are similar to those in Mother Nature or Gaia. Fire sparks Fire to make a bigger, more spectacular Fire show. Water joins with Water to spread from a small creek to an ocean brimming with even more aquatic delights. So it goes on. It is similar in relationships. When two similar elements combine, the two people concerned are working together to create a beautiful partnership.
When two opposing elements combine then challenges arise. Water can douse a Fire. Alternately Air can fan Fire.
Hence the elements either aid or obstruct each other. In the same way two people, when combining, can either aid or obstruct each other.
If you are not careful you are likely to stand in each others way. This combination can indicate two people who are attracted but whose
differences become obstacles to personal happiness. With commitment you can work through your differences, but you both need to be certain that this is what you want. Are there enough other strong elements of compatibility in your natures, and your Horoscopes to warrant the leap of faith and the compromise that this relationship needs? If so then this influence is not as strong and you can rely on the strength of your bond. Nevertheless you need to work harder than some others to ensure that you fully understand each others needs and desires. You need to learn about each other so that you can support each other. In particular, Kim is more likely to be passive, seeking security and comfort, whereas Kayne is more outgoing. Kim needs to support Kaynes need for freedom and his desire to shine in society. In return Kayne needs to understand Kims need to retreat into obscurity from time to time. With a little give and take this can be a strong bond.
Sync Score 4:
Congratulations you have scored 4 out of a possible score of 8 and are well on your way to enjoying a compatible and successful union. This may not seem like a strong score, but it is. When two peoples personal planets connect in a score of 3 or more then it augurs well for any type of relationship. This score means that you are in sync with each other on most personal matters. A little compromise may be required at times but this is an attraction worth exploring in marriage, and even if you both finally opt in favour of friendship, rather than conjugal bliss. Unless you have other opposing aspects in your Horoscope, you have a sound basis for a long-lasting relationship. If you have other positive indicators then this is a very favourable combination.
Venus and Mars The Spark
Kims Venus is in Earth and Kaynes Venus is in Earth
The planet of love is high on the list when it comes for looking at indicators of marital love and passion. This combination is a powerful one, indicating that you are in agreement about the way that any love relationship is conducted. This is a big head start towards a long-lasting commitment. You have found a soul mate, someone who aptly mirrors your practical and sensible approach to sexual relationships. Both of you are in agreement that courtship is a prudent approach to any relationship that is to be long-lasting. You let the fires of love and passion burn slowly, building momentum and enjoy the process. Fortunately you are in agreement about the steps needed to be taken before entering the boudoir. Timing is everything and you are in step. This is a beautiful dance of love, and you both know the steps.
Once you have both advanced through the appropriate stages of courtship then you are also in tune in the bedroom. The earthy and passionate side of your natures
can easily be expressed through the five senses. If you do not enjoy the scent of each others pheromones then you are also likely to be in agreement to return the relationship to one of friendship only. However, if you have other strong indicators for a marital union then in each other you have found a mate who shares your understanding of love, sex and marriage.
Kims Mars is in Masculine and Kaynes Mars is in Feminine
This is a challenging combination of the fiery planet Mars. Kims general approach to life is direct, impulsive and perhaps at times somewhat impulsive. On the other hand Kayne likes to approach things a little more slowly, developing a strategic or only moving forward when he feels comfortable. If other connections indicate a sexual liaison then this particularly combination could influence matters in a stop-start fashion. In other words the spark is strong but the timing is not always correct. You may both have moments in this relationship whereby you feel that you are not in sync. A long-lasting reunion can still be established but only after you both try to see things from the other persons point of view. Otherwise you are likely to clash and while make-up sex can be fun, one or both of you may start to crave some more meaningful encounters.
Kims Venus is in Earth and Kaynes Mars is in Earth
Lets get it On! Sensuality plays a major role in your relationship. You enjoy all five senses in the bedroom touch, taste, smell, sight, sound
probably in that order. Your sense of timing is in sync, as is your understanding that sexuality is a key part of this relationship.
As long as you both in agreement you have found your sexual soul mate. Those with Capricorn and Virgo are more likely to be a little finicky in the bedroom,
whereas Venus and Mars in Taurus are extremely sensual. Nevertheless this is a strong connection based on mutual sensual pleasure.
The bedroom is likely to be a feature of your home when you live together, providing the basis for many an hour of sexuality and sleeping.
You are happy to enjoy each others company and give pleasure to each other in slow and measurable quantities. Courtship may be a long and drawn out procedure,
but you both enjoy the pleasure of taking things slowly.
Kims Mars is in Masculine and Kaynes Venus is in Feminine
This is a difficult courtship. Sparks may ignite at the beginning of your relationship, but it is a challenge to keep the flames alight. You need other strong harmonising factors in order to sustain your love. You do not set out to upset each other. It is simply that difficulties arise in this love affair, prior to marriage. They are likely to continue into the union unless you can find a way to resolve your differences in the bedroom. It is important that you face facts and work on resolving the misunderstandings and disappointments that arise in order to have hope of a successful union. Pretending problems dont exist will only make matters worse. The good news is that there is a frisson of attraction and where there is smoke there can definitely be fire. If you are both committed then this spark can be flamed. If you are happy to do so then you may chose to remain as close friends rather than lovers. Many a lifelong friendship has resulted from a love affair ended amicably.
Spark Score 4:
Congratulations you have scored 4 out of a possible score of 8. This section scores your compatibility when it comes to love and relationship values. In particular it pertains to passion and sexuality, a key ingredient to both sparking, and helping maintain a marriage.
This may not seem like a high score but the higher scores are not very common and this is a good score indeed as it indicates that you are compatible in more than one area of your relationship. When this connection involves connections between the planets Venus and Mars then it augurs well for a love match. You are likely to have a strong sexual spark and you are well on your way to enjoying a compatible and successful union. With this score, no matter which planets are connected, you are in agreement as to how your relationship should be approached both in and out of the bedroom. You now have some valuable information about how each of you likes to approach love and sex. As English philosopher and statesman Sir Francis Bacon once said, Knowledge is power. You now have the power to gain greater understanding of this union.

Each particular zodiac sign has it's own characteristics. If you click on the sign you can read about some of the traits
of that sign. Or order one of our
reports and use the power of the planets to your advantage and tap into what should come naturally to you.