What When How with Progressions Astrology Report

The What When How with Progressions Astrology Report highlights how we have changed and grown through the years and shows us what is in the future.
Your Personality Profile is revealed by the imprints of the planets in your NATAL Chart. The NATAL REPORT is a projection of "Personality Potential" and can be compared to a "Blueprint" of a building that is being planned for construction.
At different stages of development while the building is being built, certain additions,
deletions and/or other changes may become desirable (or even necessary) and the original blueprint
may be modified to accommodate those changes.
And so it is with your personality as indicated by your NATAL Chart.
During the "building" of your life, your personality is being developed,
and the imprints of the personality blueprint are being modified and/or changed, both by your own
choices and by circumstances beyond your control.
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Included in The Progressions report :
Now, for the first time, we have a Progressed Report that not only tells us What, when, and how,--it also tells us HOW LONG! It locates the signs, the aspects,
and the house positions for each of the planets for any given year of your life and tells you how long they will remain in those positions.
With each of the interpretations for these progressed planetary positions, we include a brief synopsis of the influences and imprints of its position in your Natal Chart for your comparison.
John Christopher "Johnny" Depp II
(born June 9, 1963) is an American actor, film producer, and musician.
He has won the Golden Globe Award and Screen Actors Guild award for Best Actor. He rose to prominence on the 1980s television series 21 Jump Street, becoming a teen idol.
Since then, Depp took on challenging roles and "larger-than-life" characters starting with a supporting role in Oliver Stones Platoon in 1986,
then playing the title character in Edward Scissorhands (1990), and later found box office success in Sleepy Hollow (1999), Pirates of the Caribbean (2003),
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005), Alice in Wonderland (2010), and Rango (2011). He has collaborated with director and friend Tim Burton in eight films.
SUN 6 Leo 45 NEPTUNE 12 Sco 54
MOON 29 Sco 44 PLUTO 10 Vir 41
MERCURY 23 Leo 42 ASC. 23 Leo 21
VENUS 28 Can 25 MC 18 Tau 37
MARS 2 Lib 06 2nd CUSP 17 Vir 24
JUPITER 19 Ari 19 3rd CUSP 16 Lib 00
SATURN 20 Aqu 46 5th CUSP 22 Sag 28
URANUS 3 Vir 50 6th CUSP 24 Cap 25
Tropical Placidus Standard time observed
Date of Progressed Chart: July 30, 1963
GMT of Progressed Chart: 15:35:23
Lat. and Long. of Progressed Chart: 34 N 05 54 118 W 19 33
Lat. and Long. of Birth: 37 N 46 27 87 W 06 48
Aspects that occur within approximately 1 year:
Conjunction, Opposition, Square, Trine, Sextile
Your Personality Profile is revealed by the imprints of the planets in your NATAL Chart. The NATAL REPORT is a projection of "Personality Potential" and can be compared to a "Blueprint" of a building that is being planned for construction. At different stages of development while the building is being built, certain additions, deletions and/or other changes may become desirable (or even necessary) and the original blueprint may be modified to accommodate those changes. And so it is with your personality as indicated by your NATAL Chart. During the "building" of your life, your personality is being developed, and the imprints of the personality blueprint are being modified and/or changed, both by your own choices and by circumstances beyond your control.
The progression of the planets as they continue their respective orbits into different signs and houses, and the aspects they form, are beyond our control. But we DO have some control over how we handle these new influences, and how we let them affect our personality. In order to deal with these influences, it certainly would help for us to know WHAT these influences are, and WHEN we will have to deal with them. The PROGRESSED REPORT provides that information: the WHAT, the WHEN, and (in some reports) the HOW.
Now, for the first time, we have a Progressed Report that not only tells us WHAT, WHEN, and HOW--it also tells us HOW LONG! It locates the signs, the aspects, and the house positions for each of the planets for any given year of your life and tells you how long they will remain in those positions. With each of the interpretations for these progressed planetary positions, we include a brief synopsis of the influences and imprints of its position in your Natal Chart for your comparison.
Many techniques for following the development of man from birth through life have been devised and studied by Astrologers since about the second or third century BC. The technique used in this Report is called "Secondary Progressions". This system uses the "Day for a Year" process which appears to have been practiced since Ptolemy and Copernicus, and was supported by the German mathematician Johannes Kepler (1571-1630). The system is implemented by choosing a specific birthday. We then count a day for each year of your life, and cast a chart for the "progressed birthday".
The Progressed chart is the first chart used in Predictive Astrology, for it provides a good preview and overview of what you can expect in the coming year. We feel that the Progressed chart provides the first step toward using Astrology for a better and more fully informed way of living life -- AS IT UNFOLDS.
When combined with information obtained from a "FORECAST REPORT", OR "TRANSIT REPORT", which interprets the aspects of the transiting planets (where the planets actually WILL be at any given time), we can get an extremely comprehensive body of predictive information for any "progressed year"--and beyond. Check with your personal Astrologer for information concerning these Reports.
Like the Sun-sign, progressing the chart will change the sign on the cusp of the first house, your Ascendant. It will also bring influences of the new sign into play upon the personality in changing, modifying, and "blending" experiences. Each time a new sign "rises" on the first house, you may feel a little disoriented, especially during the first year or two. This is because different methods, or "styles" of operating in interpersonal and business transactions can vary considerably under the influence of different Rising signs. Since the Ascendant represents the face (the "Mask") we show the world, others may begin to see us in a different light before we become aware of any changes in ourselves.
Unlike the Sun's thirty-year cycle, the change cycles of the Ascendant may not be as predictable as the Sun, since the houses may have more, or less, than thirty degrees. Casting the chart for the place of residence instead of the birthplace can also affect the degree of the Ascendant. The exact time of changes from the birth chart Ascendant and from the progressed Rising-signs can be difficult to trace when changes of residence are extreme.
The Rising sign in the Progressed chart determines the signs on the houses, just as it does in the Natal chart. Each time the Ascendant changes, the sign on the cusps of the other eleven houses may change, also. The interpretations of the signs on the houses will give some clues regarding the affairs of each house during the year for which the Progressed chart is cast. These signs on the cusps may not change very much from year to year unless you move your place of residence a significant distance from one geographic location to another.
Your Progressed Ascendant is now at twenty-four degrees of the sign, Leo. The following interpretations are for the current year and place of residence.
PROGRESSED LEO RISING WITH NATAL ASCENDANT IN LEO--If the progressed Ascendant is in the same sign as it was in your Natal chart, the influences of this Rising sign will be the same as the imprints of your natal Ascendant. The following influences are still valid, and they will enhance and reinforce the Natal chart imprints. Remember, the influences of the Rising Sign are more likely to reflect more how others see you than how you see yourself.
Leo is ruled by the Sun, the source of heat, energy, and light. It projects powerful influences into the lives of those born when Leo is rising. You appear to others to be dramatic, regal in bearing, and certainly in control of the situation. Leadership seems easy for you and you appear to exude an air of strength, dominance and individuality. Your enthusiasm and energies ARE high, and you may be impatient with those around you who are less inspired and slower than you. You also need to excel in what you do, and you admire others who are strong individuals like yourself. You are very giving and generous, but you expect recognition and appreciation for that which you give. You also expect the same loyalty and generosity to be reciprocated. You often have trouble working with people who are as strong as yourself, for you don't share the leading role very easily.
PROGRESSED VIRGO ON 2ND HOUSE--Mercury rules Virgo in your progressed second house of money matters. This is the planet of speedy communications and intellect, and Virgo is the sign of detail and organization. You will be very particular in the financial area during this time, and your business activities should be well organized. You will be a good planner, and can work quite well behind the scenes.
PROGRESSED LIBRA ON 3RD HOUSE--Libra is ruled by Venus, planet of beauty, art, and material possessions. When progressed into the third house of the thinking mind and communications, it influences an attitude of fair play and justice in all these matters. You are likely to be brutally honest in communications efforts, and you will expect others to be honest with you. You will desire some form of higher education now, and will seek a philosophy you can accept. You will like luxury and travel.
PROGRESSED SCORPIO ON 4TH HOUSE--Pluto rules Scorpio on the fourth house of the Progressed Chart. Scorpio is represented by the Eagle and the Serpent, while Pluto is the planet of regeneration and the underworld. This configuration in the fourth house of home-life can make you gruff with your household, but let outsiders beware! Any criticism from others will be totally resented, even if you agree with them. Yours is likely to be an active home, with a special place, or "den" for you.
PROGRESSED SAGITTARIUS ON 5TH HOUSE--Jupiter, the planet of expansion and "good fortune" rules Sagittarius, sign of idealism and thrust. This combination in the Progressed Chart on the fifth house of love and romance, children, and creative expression, magnifies the importance of these areas in your life. You are likely to be "lucky-in-love", spoil your children, and to love sports and speculation during this progression.
PROGRESSED CAPRICORN ON 6TH HOUSE--Saturn, planet of limitations and discipline, rules Capricorn, the sign of conservatism. When it is in the sixth house of work, service, and health in the Progressed Chart, it brings a great depth and seriousness to these areas of life. You will be organized in your work, and when you work, you work hard. You will be disciplined in the services you offer during this time. Health problems could arise, centered around the knees, skin, or stomach.
PROGRESSED AQUARIUS ON 7TH HOUSE--Aquarius, sign of steadfastness and social responsibility, is ruled by Uranus, planet of sudden changes, inventiveness and the unusual. In the seventh house of the Progressed Chart, they indicate the need for individual freedom in partnerships, and possibly an unusual spouse. Close relationship in marriage is likely. Try to avoid being overly idealistic and of setting unrealistic expectations. Relationships can terminate during this time if they do not provide individual freedom and mutual respect.
PROGRESSED PISCES ON 8TH HOUSE--Pisces, an emotional sign, is ruled by Neptune, the psychic planet of hidden meanings. With this sign on the cusp of the eighth house of the Progressed Chart, a reluctance to dwell upon death or dying is indicated. If inheritances are indicated, they are likely to be under unusual conditions. You will be tempted to postpone dealing with insurance, legal matters, and other people's money during this time. You may need to be more assertive in dealing with these areas.
PROGRESSED ARIES ON 9TH HOUSE--Mars, the action planet of fire and energy, rules Aries, sign of new beginnings. When this Cardinal sign is progressed into the ninth house of the higher mind and needs, it can produce the crusader instinct. You are not likely to be limited by traditional religious dogma now, but visionary thought could influence studies into the occult.
PROGRESSED TAURUS ON 10TH HOUSE--This is the House of recognition, personal achievement, honor, and career or vocation. Taurus, the "bull" is ruled by Venus, planet of aesthetics, material resources, love, and sociability. When this sign is found on the cusp of the tenth house of the Progressed Chart, it indicates a desire for wealth and recognition to be fulfilled by the profession or vocation. Real estate could become an avenue of speculation now, or you could begin some sort of an avocation in some area of the arts. You will earn money to support high standards of living.
PROGRESSED GEMINI ON 11TH HOUSE--Mercury rules Gemini, sign of the Twins. When progressed into the eleventh house of friends, love received, and goals, it indicates an intellectual duality in group activities. Friends are likely to be intelligent and ingenious now, and very much an intellectual stimulation for you. More than one thing can be going on successfully at the same time.
PROGRESSED CANCER ON 12TH HOUSE--Cancer, emotional sign of the mother, is ruled by the emotional planet Moon. When it is found in the twelfth house of hidden matters and the subconscious process in the Progressed chart, emotions are likely to be very vulnerable. Mysterious feelings from the subconscious can make you want to cry without knowing why. You will need to seek seclusion at times. This configuration can make you very intuitional and psychic when it is in the progressed chart.
The Sun moves forward (counter-clockwise) in the Progressed chart from its Natal position at the approximate rate of one degree for each year of life. This means that the Sun will progress into a different sign by, or before, age thirty. Remember that these Natal Sun-sign influences are with us all our lives in the form of birth imprints. In the Progressed chart, the new Sun-sign will influence, enhance, modify, and/or blend with those in the Natal chart--and so with any subsequent progressed Sun-signs. The influences may be most recognizable during the first year for which a Progressed chart has been cast after the Sun has moved into the next sign. Sometimes there can be events or situations which trigger significant life changes (relocation, graduation, job change, marriage, divorce, new home, etc.). Some of these could vividly high-light the influences of the Sun entering into a different sign.
As you read this report, look back over your life and try to remember if there were any events that could have changed your directions or goals when the Sun entered a new sign. You can count back to 00 degrees from the Sun-Sign degree of this chart to find the year, letting each degree count as one year. Allow about three years on either side of that actual date.
At the end of the thirty years that each new Sun-sign remains in the Progressed charts, the personality will have somewhat absorbed and assimilated the influences of all of these Sun-sign positions--and so with the new progressions to come. As in all Astrology, you have, and have had, free will to make choices. Those choices can be very significant in determining how much effect the Progressed Sun positions have in modifying your Personality Profile. Transiting planetary aspects to the Sun can also help you anticipate new influences and enhance the sense of timing. Hopefully, you will be able to make better life choices based upon an expanded base of information through astrology.
Your Progressed Sun is now in the seventh year of a 30-year cycle in the sign, Leo. You have about 24 years left in this life-cycle.
PROGRESSED SUN IN LEO WITH NATAL SUN IN GEMINI--There is a dual quality to the NATAL Gemini personality. Variety is the spice of life for you, and you are happiest when you have more than one dominant interest. You enjoy your hands being busy, which they are very capable of doing on their own while your mind and attention can jump around to many things at the same time. You have to work at calmness of mind and body, and the best discipline to achieve this might well begin by trying to keep your hands and feet still--and to eat slowly. It's no use suggesting that you think slowly, for you are a Gemini. You are, in many ways, an eternal child. Your mind is bright, alert, curious, flexible, playful, and always eager for new experiences. Your attention span can be quite brief, but you grasp ideas quickly and once your initial curiosity has been satisfied, you want to go on to something else. You crave frequent change, and meeting new situations and new people. You may live in your head a great deal (reading, observing, thinking, spinning ideas around) and you need mental stimulation every bit as much as you need food and drink.
Progressed Sun in Cancer would have added nurturing, intuition, and emotion to the flighty NATAL Gemini influences, and would have somewhat focused the duality of the Gemini personality. The nesting influences would have brought desires for home and children.
For those who have lived through the Sun in Cancer cycle, the Sun in Leo in the PROGRESSED Chart can be a very dramatic change. It can be almost like opening a door and passing from a dark room into a room of many windows with the drapes wide open and the Sun streaming in. Leo is the Sun's own sign, and everything about the Leo can be dramatic. Romantic influences will be emphasized--possibly resulting in marriage during the Leo cycle, since Leo adds action to the romantic urges of Cancer. The Sun in this position will enhance the artistic talents, especially the craving for applause. Any profession related to the arts or entertainment is likely to prosper under Leo influences, and new endeavors will probably be approached in the arts, real estate, or human services. Approval, honor, and recognition for your achievements will be vital to your feeling of well-being under the Sun-sign Leo. You are likely to sulk if you feel like you don't get proper credit for whatever it is you do. In general however, Leo will add positive support and enhancement to the emotional influences of Cancer, making it a little easier for you to bring your feelings out into the "sunlight"--except during dark days. You will definitely feel better on days when the Sun is shining. You need to watch out for temper tantrums, and find positive outlets for anger and disappointments. Avoid using alcohol or other drugs to deal with these feelings.
PROGRESSED SUN IN 12TH HOUSE--The Sun "passes through" each house one time each year. Its influence "illuminates" and brings into focus the affairs of the house in which it dwells (or is passing through). In the PROGRESSED Chart, we fix that focus on the house occupied by the Sun on your birthday anniversary for the year the chart is cast. In the twelfth house, your will may be directed inward, exploring the resources of your own subconscious. Because of this, you can be lonely and withdrawn. Psychology and psychic research are likely to interest you now, and you may find your best self-expression through working in psychiatric hospitals or places established for mental or spiritual retreats. Service to others can provide you with recognition and fulfillment. You need to reach out to people with common interests for spiritual growth, and to avoid hermitage instincts.
The close proximity of the Moon to the earth and its rotation around the earth causes it to pass between the earth and each sign of the Zodiac quite rapidly. It averages about thirteen degrees per day--a little less than three days per sign. Under the day-for-a-year progression system, it will take approximately thirty months, two-and-a-half years, for it to complete each life-cycle of the Moon.
The Moon is the only "planet" that could show up more than once in a Progressed chart in the same sign in which it was found in the Natal chart. Although these natal influences "imprint" our personalities and are with us throughout our lifetime, when the Moon appears in the same sign in the Progressed chart, it can give us an opportunity to modify even those natal imprints to some extent. In the delineations for the Progressed Moon-signs, we will include the Natal Moon-sign interpretations.
In mythology the Moon is always female--as the Sun is always male. In most ancient cults and religions, the Moon represents the female force which reflects the male force of the Sun. There were many ancient Lunar holidays and festivals. In modern religion, the date for the Easter holiday is still determined by the Moon's orbit.
In astrology, "she" dispenses her influences indiscriminately upon male and female alike, though each sex is likely to respond to the influences in somewhat different ways. The Moon-sign influences in the Progressed chart will affect the emotional side of your personality as it was imprinted by the sign the Moon was in at birth and modified by subsequent progressed Moon-sign influences. The intensity of the changes can range from deeply sub-conscious to dramatically emotional.
Your Progressed Moon is now at 30 degrees of an approximate two-and-a-half-year life cycle in the sign, Scorpio. You should have, roughly, 01 month left until it moves into the next Moon-sign cycle.
PROGRESSED MOON IN SCORPIO WITH NATAL MOON IN CAPRICORN--When the Moon is in Capricorn in the NATAL Chart, it indicates a reserved and cautious nature, making you appear to be cold and austere. You take life seriously and tend to identify emotionally with material matters more than the spiritual. You are sensitive, vulnerable and shy where your personal feelings are concerned. You are strong in both body and in character. One of your unremitting fears is to be dependent upon someone else, consequently concern for security will be your constant companion. You feel that life is a serious business and you learn discipline early on. You are hardworking and resourceful, but your security needs might even motivate you to cut some corners in order to get ahead. They can also trigger a driving ambition, and you are likely to be successful in your own business. Capricorn is often referred to as the business sign. Your shyness may handicap you in forming sexual and romantic relationships, but you are extremely caring and loyal. You accept your responsibilities with discipline and order. You may be inclined to be a little too hard on yourself, and may need to practice learning how to play. Doing fun things together certainly will enhance all personal relationships. You are ambitious for status and financial security, seeking money and power, and are willing to work hard for them. You need to watch out for a tendency to achieve your goals at any cost, without respect for the feelings of others.
When the Moon is in Scorpio in the PROGRESSED Chart, it will bring strong, biased emotions, based on willful desire. The personal ambition will be increased, and you will be extremely self-directed during this life cycle. Relationships may be difficult because you will want to dominate them. You are much tuned to what others are thinking. You are perfectly willing to lend a helping hand, but you will expect results and for the people you help to begin helping themselves. The inclination toward brooding and revenge is a serious character defect usually present in persons during this period, and you need to avoid allowing yourself to harbor these feelings. This is not an easy sign to live with, but when self is conquered you can find that no sacrifice is too great to achieve a worthwhile objective. Selfish desires, stubbornness, and the wish to control can be turned into a positive drive to accomplish good deeds. This is a good time to rise above the base desire nature and let the Scorpio "Eagle" soar above the "Scorpion" of the sign.
PROGRESSED MOON IN 4TH HOUSE--The Moon will pass through all the houses of the Natal Chart approximately every twenty-eight days, making its daily and hourly influences very fleeting. In the fourth house of the Progressed Chart however, it signifies new beginnings--some matters come to an end and a definite new period begins. A dimension of subtle inspiration can be expected, and affairs of the home, house, residence, changes of location, and the emotions can be affected. Domestic affairs are definitely in the forefront, and you will need most of all to seek stability now.
As in the Natal Chart, the blend of the Progressed Sun-Moon influences are extremely significant toward understanding the modification of the personality from that which was indicated by the Natal Chart. We urge you to review the interpretation in your Natal Chart. The interpretation of the Progressed Sun-Moon blend is printed next. Study it carefully, in addition to the delineations of Sun in Sign, Sun in House, Moon in Sign, and Moon in House. We suggest that you compare them also with the same interpretations in your Natal Chart.
PROGRESSED: LEO SUN AND SCORPIO MOON--These are two Fixed signs, square to each other, and the Moon is in its "Fall". With this combination in the Progressed chart, the animal passions are strong and vigorous. Body and temperament are dramatic. These positions spell "control". Everything could be affected by strong personal opinion and bias during this life cycle. Emotional explosions are possible, but will usually not be necessary because of the essence of power you will be able use now. If this combination was found in your Natal chart, your childhood was probably poor and depressed, providing motivation for over-compensation now in the adult life. Your life's challenge is to control grand power and to understand its motivation. You are very loyal, but can be somewhat possessive. This is a very intense and powerful period of growth for the personality, and colleagues will respect you for your honesty and your capacity for hard work.
Mercury in the signs gives clues to the kinds of concerns that occupy your mind and reveals your psychological approach to making decisions and conveying your ideas to others. Mercury influences the kind of communications you have with other people throughout the year: those received as well as those you send. It indicates shifts in mental focus and intellectual attention as they are impacted by the influences of the Progressed sign. It can also indicate travel, such as short trips which don't upset the daily routine too much. You can usually count on not being bored by Mercury influences, and the daily routine is more likely to be intensified rather than subdued. On another level, Mercury IS the every day routine, indicating everything we are so accustomed to that we don't even notice it. On still another level, it may indicate a time when you should just sit and think.
Mercury takes a little less than thirty years to progress through the thirty degrees of each sign, so we may have a little "stretch" or a little "overlap" of influences when using the day-for-a-year progression system. We have tried to adjust the degree of Mercury in its current Progressed sign to give you some rough idea of how long it will be until it enters the next Progressed sign.
Your Progressed Mercury is now in the 24th degree of an approximate thirty-year life-cycle in the sign, Leo. You could have, roughly, 07 years left in this cycle.
PROGRESSED MERCURY IN LEO WITH NATAL MERCURY IN TAURUS--Mercury in the sign of Taurus in the NATAL Chart imprints you with much practical common sense. This gives you great powers of concentration so that you are able to ignore that with which you don't want to be bothered. You dislike arguments and disharmony, but will fight to protect your security and financial interests. Though you may be slow to grasp new concepts or learn new skills, you are patient and persevering and can be quite stubborn. You will succeed, mainly because you have the ability to concentrate and follow a project through to its completion. You also have the ability to convey your ideas through artistic directions and art forms. You will have an interest in all the aspects of real estate and personal property. Your mind will work well at home, and you are likely to have an office there. Business relationships can be good, but you will need to keep your stubborn streak under control. This also applies to love, romance and personal relationships, which are likely to have intellectual and materialistic overtones. You will enjoy discussions regarding domestic interests, but will need to watch out for a tendency toward intellectual superiority and stubbornness during this time.
Before Mercury progressed to Leo, Mercury progressed into Gemini from the sign Taurus, where it would have added some airy excitement and flighty intellectualism to the somewhat stolid personality of the Taurus imprints. You would have become more talkative and more enthusiastic, but also less dependable. When Mercury moved into Cancer from the sign of Gemini, the emotions would dampen the flighty Gemini personality and perhaps would have settled you down. Gemini is the intellectual sign and Cancer is the emotional one. Your intuition would have increased, and you would have become more concerned about a home and property.
When Mercury moves into Leo in the PROGRESSED Chart, it brings to you a strong will and a fixed purpose. While it is in this sign, you may have a dramatic and forceful manner of speech, and you could be regarded by others as an authority on anything you address. You will have a mental self-confidence which is a positive asset when solving problems: just try not to hog the limelight! You are able to see a continuity in planning and purpose now, which can give you executive and administrative ability. The leadership role comes naturally. At this time of life, these influences can make it difficult for you to accept traditional "retirement" from your business or profession. You are more likely to start a new endeavor, or, at least, an avocation. Artistic pursuits such as entertainment and art galleries are likely to be high on your interest agenda. Relationships should be comfortable and fulfilling. However, you do need to beware of tendencies to mental pride and arrogance during this progression. Learn to lighten up and allow the rest of the world to follow.
PROGRESSED MERCURY IN 1ST HOUSE--Mercury in the houses deals with the practical affairs that occupy your mind, and shows what areas of activity will be influenced by your thoughts and communications. When it is in the first house of the Progressed Chart, it provides you with an inquiring, intellectual outlook on life. Very little that happens in your environment escapes you. Your actions and self-expression are based on logic and reasoning, and you will have better than average intelligence during this time. You will like to talk and write because of the natural desire to express yourself. You are likely to have great mental initiative and willpower, and to be intellectually competitive. Watch your ego and make allowances for the ordinary people.
Venus in the signs indicates how you express your emotions in personal relationships. It also influences your attitudes toward money, personal possessions, creature comforts, and social and aesthetic values. Venus is a social planet, usually bringing people together for parties and good times. It is also the planet of LOVE, and its impressions combined with the influences of the signs can tell you quite a bit about your experiences in love and romance. It is also the planet of creativity: of artistic talent and entertainment. The influences of the different signs of the Zodiac can help to dictate the forms of expression indicated to display these talents.
The annual orbit of Venus is usually only five or six days away from the orbiting time of the Sun, so it fits the day-for-a-year progression system quite well. Though there may be a very little stretch or overlap, we are pretty safe in estimating a degree of progression per year for Venus, as with the Sun.
Your Progressed Venus is now in the 29th degree of an approximate thirty year life-cycle in the sign, Cancer. You have, roughly, 02 years left in this cycle.
PROGRESSED VENUS IN CANCER WITH NATAL VENUS IN TAURUS--When Venus is in Taurus in the NATAL Chart, stability in love and emotional security are important to you. You are loyal to those you love, but you can be possessive and jealous if your emotional security should be threatened. You like physical contact with your loved one, but you are sensual in a passive way. You prefer to attract rather than to pursue. You enjoy being pampered with a good meal, good wine, and other sensual delights. You can be a wonderful lover. You are attentive to the comfort and enjoyment of the one you love. You love comfort, luxury, beautiful surroundings, good food, and opulence in general. Consequently, the money that makes these things possible is extremely important to you. Personal beauty is also important to you, and you will try to make yourself as attractive and youthful as possible. You feel a kinship with the earth, and enjoy the material things thereof. You have a deep appreciation for all things beautiful and artistic. You are tremendously responsive to beauty and physical appearances, and you also appreciate physical attractiveness in others.
The Gemini life cycle of Venus would have added some excitement but less stability to relationships.
When Venus moves into the sign Cancer in the PROGRESSED Chart, it brings deep sensitivity into all your romantic feelings. You will be extremely emotional and your feelings will be easily hurt. You will not handle criticism well, whether it be real or imagined, for you will tend to internalize everything said to you and take it personally. During this period, your moods will be fluctuating and unpredictable, but you could try to hide behind a dignified exterior. Your intuition will be heightened, and you will pick up on the feelings of those around you. For that reason, you need to associate with upbeat individuals who are optimistic and enthusiastic about life. Romantic relationships will be extremely important to you during this life cycle. You will need constant reassurance and emotional support, and you will work hard to make all your relationships work. You will crave both financial and emotional security, and could seek that security in marriage as well as in your career. Venus in Cancer produces the mothers of the world, both male and female. You will want your home to be the center of social activities and will strive to provide it with comfort and beauty. You need to watch out for unstable emotional reactions, maudlin sentimentality, and the tendency to sulk. Take time out often for healing through relaxation and meditation.
PROGRESSED VENUS IN 12TH HOUSE--Venus in the houses indicates how you may express yourself socially, romantically, and artistically in the various areas of your life. When Progressed into the twelfth house, it can demand a high degree of selflessness in love, or self-denial in love relationships. Difficult psychological feelings may result from unresolved relationship problems coming to the surface at this time. You may feel the need to care for someone else, even without experiencing reciprocity. However, beware of showing feelings of martyrdom as this could defeat any positive outcome of your efforts. If there should be little success and gratification from the relationship, there will be spiritual rewards and satisfaction from knowing that you have done all that you could.
Mars is energy and action. "His" influences provide means of expression for the influences of the other planets through direct action. It can express temperament, set fire to the emotions, activate ambition, spur romance on, and sometimes set the stage for accidents. In mythology, Mars is the God of War.
It takes Mars an average of about twenty-two months to progress into a new sign, depending upon Retrograde movement, etc. Therefore it will be difficult to establish an accurate time frame for the duration of the Progressed Mars influences. We use two years as an approximation, but the length of time left in each sign cannot be very accurate. However, each time you have a Progressed chart cast, the position of Mars for that year will be accurate.
Mars is now at 03 degrees of the sign, Libra. It takes approximately 60 years for Mars to pass through one sign in the Progressed chart. You have, roughly, 56 years left until it moves into the next Mars life-cycle.
PROGRESSED MARS IN LIBRA WITH NATAL MARS IN VIRGO--Mars in Virgo in the NATAL Chart gives the personality much originality in thought and an interest in scientific enterprises. There may be difficulties in the way of career, but you will plan your actions carefully and execute them systematically, going your own quiet way. You are attracted to the healing arts, and may be successful in one of the healing professions. You are quick-witted and can be shrewd and acquisitive, but tactful and discriminative. You need to beware of overwork, and tendencies to be irritable, proud, and obstinate.
When Mars moves into Libra in the PROGRESSED Chart, it gives the personality a strong urge to action in the social services, and you are likely to be the initiator of social activity and reform. Your career preference is probably in the helping category, but you will need to be noticed and appreciated during this aspect. You have a strong sense of justice, even when you are not the victim. You have a tendency to be strict about social conduct, with the attitude that the game should be played according to the established rules. You have a strong will, and there could be difficulties in partnerships over arguments and conflicts of will while this aspect is in the Progressed Chart.
PROGRESSED MARS IN 2ND HOUSE--Mars in the houses indicates the areas of life in which you express your actions and desires, and where you need to use energy and initiative in order to get results. In the second house of the Progressed chart, it deals with financial gain and material goods. You are likely to have good earning powers, but need to watch tendencies toward extravagance during this progression. You like to make money and you like to spend it. You are competitive in business and finance and will fight to protect your personal property. You could be attracted to having your own business now, which is likely to have mechanical aspects.
The rest of the planets take much longer to orbit through the signs and houses. Unless they were in the last few degrees of the Natal sign, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are probably still in the signs and houses they were in when you were born. If any of them have progressed into the next sign, the program will print the influences of the new sign as it compares to the old. It will only interpret the progressed house position. A major move in geographic location which changes the Ascendant may also change the house cusps and the signs on the houses.
PROGRESSED JUPITER IN ARIES WITH NATAL JUPITER IN ARIES--When the planet is in the same sign in both the NATAL and PROGRESSED charts the influences are the same, but are just more long-term.
Jupiter in the signs influences your ethical, religious, and philosophical standards and beliefs, and how you may express those interests. In the sign Aries in the NATAL Chart, Jupiter imprints the personality with leadership qualities in those areas as well as in education and spiritual activities. You have an intuitive understanding of spiritual creativity which can be transformed into positive action. You have faith in regeneration and a rebirth into a better way of life. You can display much enthusiasm and self-confidence, creating confidence in others and inspiring them to action. You need to watch out for feelings of self-importance and avoid "holy crusades", but you do have the courage to embark on large endeavors which others would not attempt.
PROGRESSED JUPITER IN 9TH HOUSE--Jupiter in the houses indicates the departments of life and the types of activity through which you express your religious, philosophic, and educational ideas. When it progresses into the ninth house the perspective of your life can be expanded tremendously. Your desire to learn will be very great, with the emphasis on philosophy, metaphysics, and religion. You could encounter these subjects now, not only in books, but in real life situations. On exposure to a broader view, your own philosophies may change. The main effect of this progression is to expand your consciousness and help you rid yourself of limiting prejudices and beliefs.
PROGRESSED SATURN IN AQUARIUS WITH NATAL SATURN IN AQUARIUS--When the planet is in the same sign in both the NATAL and PROGRESSED charts the influences are the same, but are just more long-term.
Saturn in the signs indicates the areas in which you must accept responsibility, and the ways in which you must practice discipline and develop maturity. In the sign Aquarius in the NATAL Chart, Saturn imprints your personality with the capacity for well-organized mental concentration. Your mind is impersonal and scientific. You are able to set aside all ego and see social and scientific issues in the light of universal law. You are likely to have mathematical ability and to be able to clearly visualize geometric form and structure. You are sociable, friendly, and un-resentful, forming many close acquaintances and some close romantic ties. However, you need to watch out for your expectations for others to play by your rules. Avoid intellectual pride.
PROGRESSED SATURN IN 6TH HOUSE--Saturn in the houses indicates the areas of life in which you need to act with responsibility and discipline. In the sixth house of the Progressed Chart, it indicates an ability for hard work and efficiency. You will take work seriously, and it is likely to require much specialized knowledge and skill. It could be a career in the area of service to mankind, and could entail heavy responsibilities. You are likely to have the respect of your employees and co-workers during this progression. You need to watch for unwarranted worry and overwork.
PROGRESSED URANUS IN VIRGO WITH NATAL URANUS IN VIRGO--When the planet is in the same sign in both the NATAL and PROGRESSED charts the influences are the same, but are just more long term.
Uranus in the signs indicates the ways in which you express your urge for freedom and individuality, and how you establish your link with the Universal Mind. When Uranus is in Virgo in the NATAL Chart, it imprints the personality with a mind that is subtle, independent, and original. You are quiet, but could be stubborn and curious to the point of eccentricity. You seem to naturally know how things work, and are especially attracted to the occult for your link with the Universal Mind. You can be successful in the fields of health, science, and technology. Beware of erratic health problems, paying special attention to diet and mental control of bodily functions.
PROGRESSED URANUS IN 1ST HOUSE--Uranus in the houses indicates the type of activity through which you express your urge toward originality and freedom. Also through what circumstances sudden, unusual and exciting events may occur. Its progression into the first house indicates that old limitations you have placed upon yourself or accepted from others are no longer acceptable. You will feel that you need to change them, even if you have to break away from many of the things that have been important to you in the past. This could apply to a relationship, job, or any other area of obligation in your life. This is primarily a drive for freedom to allow you to set new goals, to grow and change, and to open yourself up for new experiences.
PROGRESSED NEPTUNE IN SCORPIO WITH NATAL NEPTUNE IN SCORPIO--When the planet is in the same sign in both the NATAL and PROGRESSED charts the influences are the same, but are just more long term.
LAST IN SCORPIO IN 1970-NEXT POSSIBLE IN YEAR 2133--Neptune in the signs manifests more historical and generational influences than personal. It indicates the kind of cultural expression shown by the imaginative and creative faculties of mankind over a given period of time. Your personal responses to Neptune in Scorpio in the NATAL Chart are likely to be in sexual areas and psychological areas of escape. Both the influences of the planet Neptune and the sign Scorpio are dual in nature: material and spiritual. It is difficult to function in both levels at the same time, and often at some time in the life, a metamorphosis is experienced when the philosophical and spiritual influences sublimate the materialistic.
PROGRESSED NEPTUNE IN 3RD HOUSE--Neptune in the houses indicates how you express your mystical potential, and may reveal some of the karma produced by your past actions. When it progresses into a different house, you have to be careful not to fall prey to mistaken illusions, for anything connected with the affairs of that house may seem to dissolve and pass out of existence in a subtle, most imperceptible manner. When it is in the third house in the Progressed Chart, Neptune can cause misunderstanding and garbled communications. The influences are also strong for deceit and underhand dealings. During this time you need to be "Perfectly clear" in all your messages, especially with loved ones. Watch out for manipulation from others. Make sure all mystical search is positive, avoiding questionable cults and forays into unproven occult practices. Always pray for protection in prayer and meditation, seeking positive guidance from your known Source.
PROGRESSED PLUTO IN VIRGO WITH NATAL PLUTO IN VIRGO--When the planet is in the same sign in both the NATAL and PROGRESSED charts the influences are the same, but are just more long term.
1957-1972. NEXT POSSIBLE, YEAR 2220. Pluto in the signs is also historical and generational, but on the personal level it indicates permanent change. In Virgo in the NATAL Chart, it deals with work, health, and the practical application of technology. You are very organized and picky about details, especially where your work is concerned, and can be very capable of working alone. The areas of sex, drugs, and health are indicated as most likely areas for permanent change in your life. Seek guidance through prayer and meditation, striving to bring the feelings up from the subconscious into the conscious and practice good health maintenance.
When Pluto is still in Virgo in the PROGRESSED chart, the natal influences are enhanced and reinforced. The focus for regeneration is more likely to be outward rather than inward, and you may have more concerns about social and environmental issues. Do not neglect your own regeneration efforts, but keep practicing a healthy lifestyle. If Pluto is in this position in your Progressed chart, these influences will be with you for the rest of your life.
PROGRESSED PLUTO IN 1ST HOUSE--The house position of Pluto shows in which departments of life you need to exercise conscious creative willpower to regenerate yourself and your surroundings. In the first house of the Progressed chart, it enhances an intense self-awareness and the potential for developing a powerful will. You may have considerable initiative, but find it difficult to conform to traditional conduct and to cooperate with others, causing you to seek out an unusual kind of career. You need to regenerate yourself through a deep psychic understanding of life and consciousness, therefore you will need to practice positive prayer and meditation techniques. You are likely to have a highly developed sense of personal power and will during this progression, which you need to discipline in order to get along with other mere mortals.
Following are the interpretations of the Planetary Aspects of the Progressed planets to each other. As in the Natal chart we use only the major aspects: Conjunction, Opposition, Square, Trine, and Sextile. These interpretations may be a little different from the Natal Chart interps in describing the influences, as they are presented from the same point of view as transiting planetary aspects. Rather than natal imprints, these aspects represent influences you have to deal with during the time of this Progressed chart. Some of the slower moving planets with aspects in the Natal Chart may still be in orb. However the program allows less than one degree of orb, so that the influences will be strongly focused on the year for which the Progressed Report is prepared. Because of this narrow focus and the tight orb, there are not likely to be very many aspects (if any) in this Report.
The following progressed Moon to progressed planet interpretation will last about 2 months and it will occur about 2 months in the future, that is about 2 months after the date given on the cover page of this report.
PROGRESSED MOON SEXTILE MARS--This sextile in the Progressed chart brings you an abundance of emotional force and the energy to use it. It provides strong incentives for profitable enterprises, especially when they are in the general areas of providing homes for family and others. You are very protective of family and domestic interests at this time.
The following progressed Moon to progressed planet interpretation will last about 2 months and it will occur about 4 months in the future, that is about 4 months after the date given on the cover page of this report.
PROGRESSED MOON SQUARE URANUS--This square indicates times of intense self-awareness. In the Progressed Chart it could bring with it the experience of personal reform, with idiosyncrasies set aside. It stimulates the personality's feelings for individuality. However, with the square, independence tends to be achieved only through separation, upset, or overturn of the status quo. Before such action, costs should be carefully considered.
The following progressed Moon to progressed planet interpretation will last about 2 months and it will occur about 8 months in the future, that is about 8 months after the date given on the cover page of this report.
PROGRESSED SUN TRINE THE MOON--This trine indicates a harmonious balance between the conscious expression of your will and the automatic emotional responses. In the Progressed Chart it usually brings strong physical vitality and stamina, with good health and recuperative powers. You are attractive to the opposite sex, and are able to function well in your social relationships because of your inner harmony during this time. This aspect promotes self-confidence and optimism. You like children and work well with them.
The following progressed Moon to progressed planet interpretation will last about 2 months and it will occur about a year in the future, that is about a year after the date given on the cover page of this report.
PROGRESSED MOON SQUARE PLUTO--Experiences occur during the progressed Moon's aspects with Pluto to highlight the individual's position within society. Personal perspectives are challenged with the square aspect in relation to social organizations, professional institutions, political alignment, and the Self's world-concept. On the personal level, permanent regeneration and emotional changes could begin during this progression.
PROGRESSED MERCURY CONJUNCT THE ASCENDANT--This aspect indicates exceptional intelligence. When it is found in the Progressed Chart, it indicates that your basic consciousness is linked with your logical thinking ability. You are likely to think before you act and you can express yourself in clear logical terms. You could be a little bit inclined to verbosity during this time.
The Natal Chart is always significant in our lives, and it must be taken into consideration when interpreting any of the advanced charting efforts. The Progressed chart has moved the planets into new positions, sometimes forming new aspects with the fixed positions of your natal planets. Some of the aspects in the Natal chart of the slower moving (outer) planets may still be in aspect orb in the Progressed Chart. These aspects, and any new ones formed, will help to bridge the gap between the Natal and Progressed Charts. Because the program allows less than one degree of orb in order to focus the influences for the year the Progressed Report is prepared, there are not likely to be many planets in aspect--if any. If there are any aspects in orb, their interpretations will provide valuable information about influences you will feel during the duration of this Progressed year.
The following progressed Moon to natal planet interpretation will last about 2 months and it will occur about 2 months in the future, that is about 2 months after the date given on the cover page of this report.
PROGRESSED MOON SQUARE NATAL URANUS--This square indicates times of intense self-awareness. In the Progressed Chart it could bring with it the experience of personal reform, with idiosyncrasies set aside. It stimulates the personality's feelings for individuality. However, with the square, independence tends to be achieved only through separation, upset, or overturn of the status quo. Before such action, costs should be carefully considered.
The following progressed Moon to natal planet interpretation will last about 2 months and it will occur about 4 months in the future, that is about 4 months after the date given on the cover page of this report.
PROGRESSED MOON SQUARE NATAL MARS--This aspect provides developmental tensions to the personality. While it is in the Progressed Chart, experiences may project energies into impulsive reactions. It can indicate a time of potential disruption to growth and harmony because of intense emotional energy. Resolutions of problems and removal of obstacles should be approached with careful planning and timing now. Try to avoid impulsiveness and confrontation.
The following progressed Moon to natal planet interpretation will last about 2 months and it will occur about 8 months in the future, that is about 8 months after the date given on the cover page of this report.
PROGRESSED MOON SQUARE NATAL PLUTO--Experiences occur during the progressed Moon's aspects with Pluto to highlight the individual's position within society. Personal perspectives are challenged with the square aspect in relation to social organizations, professional institutions, political alignment, and the Self's world-concept. On the personal level, permanent regeneration and emotional changes could begin during this progression.
The following progressed Moon to natal planet interpretation will last about 2 months and it will occur about a year in the future, that is about a year after the date given on the cover page of this report.
PROGRESSED MOON TRINE NATAL JUPITER--A sextile or trine of the Moon to Jupiter is an extremely favorable aspect. Opportunities may abound with this aspect in the Progressed Chart. Legal arrangements will favor your decisions, and you should take advantage of any investment opportunities which may arise. There can be a strengthening of your ethical position through the law and/or religion, and from the psychic area during this time. Plain old LUCK is in force.
PROGRESSED MERCURY OPPOSITE NATAL SATURN--This aspect could cause you to be suspicious and defensive. If you let it, this could lead to depression and anxiety, with a tendency toward scheming and underhandedness to justify and cope with your discomfort. There are likely to be obstacles to intellectual recognition and communication skills. Try to avoid looking on the dark side of the picture. Practice patience and learn to be open-minded.
PROGRESSED NEPTUNE CONJUNCT NATAL NEPTUNE--Although subtle and easily overlooked, this is a time when you develop a new vision and dream for yourself. Experiences you have now mold become the raw material for developing a new sense of purpose and vision.